Cory Panshin (born 1947), American writer and science fiction critic
The World Beyond the Hill: Science Fiction and the Quest for Transcendence is a book about the history of science fiction, written by Alexei Panshin and Cory Panshin.
Cory Doctorow | Cory Everson | Cory Arcangel | Charles B. Cory | Cory Quirino | Cory Monteith | Cory Lidle | Cory Lee | William Johnson Cory | Little Brother (Cory Doctorow novel) | Cory Snyder | Cory McAbee | Cory Band | Cory | Alexei Panshin | Peter Cory | George Cory | David Cory | Cory Spinks | Cory Rooney | Cory Panshin | Cory Fleming | Cory Edwards | Cory Cyrenne | Cory Booker | William Wallace Cory | Silston Cory-Wright | Makers (Cory Doctorow novel) | Darlin' Cory | Cory Williams |