
unusual facts about Council of State

Council of State

Greek Council of State – this is the supreme administrative court of Greece and an administrative organ examining all presidential decrees before their issuing.


The national government issued a stay on this policy the next year, however, and it was overturned in 1974 by the Dutch Council of State.

Alan Seeger

On 4 July 1923, the President of the French Council of State, Raymond Poincaré, dedicated a monument in the Place des États-Unis to the Americans who had volunteered to fight in World War I in the service of France.

Banner of Poland

Officially abandoned in 1955, the banner continued to be used in practice by the prime minister and, during the 1960s, by the Council of State, a collective head of state of the time.


Its prefecture was in Lleida and its subprefectures were Tortosa, Cervera and Tarragona and its only prefect was Alban de Villeneuve-Bargemont, who had previously been auditor to the Council of State and sub prefect of Zierickzée (a subprefecture of the department of Bouches-de-l'Escaut).

Edvard Carleson

Edvard Henrik Carleson (16 November 1820 – 1 April 1884) was a Councilor of Justice and a Councilor of State of the Kingdom of Sweden, etc., son of Jacob Edvard Carleson, Lieutenant Colonel of the Swedish Army, and wife Liboria Fredrika Eleonora Harmens.

Jacques Marie Eugène Godefroy Cavaignac

He served as a civil engineer in Angoulême until 1881, when he became master of requests in the Council of State.

Jules-Élie Delaunay

After his return from Rome he was entrusted with many important commissions for decorative paintings, such as the frescoes in the church of St Nicholas at Nantes; the three panels of Apollo, Orpheus and Amphion at the Paris Opera house; and twelve paintings for the great hall of the council of state in the Palais Royal.

Metcalfe House

Between 1920 and 1926, it also remained the seat of the Council of State of the Central Legislative Assembly, which eventually paved way for the present Rajya Sabha, till the inauguration of the Parliament House in New Delhi.

Supreme Electoral Council of Turkey

The Supreme Electoral Council consists of a president, six members and four substitute members from the Court of Cassation and the Council of State judges.

see also

Alain Meyer

He was named Vice-President of the Council of State on 18 December 2006, and President on 1 October 2007 to replace Pierre Mores.

Alexandru Usatiuc-Bulgăr

In December 1971, following an informative note from Ion Stănescu, the President of the Council of State Security of the Romanian Socialist Republic, to Yuri Andropov, the chief of KGB, Alexandru Usatiuc-Bulgăr as well as Valeriu Graur (n. December 1940, Reni), Alexandru Şoltoianu, and Gheorghe Ghimpu were arrested and later sentenced to long prison terms.

Auguste-Arthur, Comte de Beugnot

As drafter of the Law of 1850 on Liberty of Teaching, he vainly endeavoured to prevent the return of the bill to the Council of State, 7 November 1849, and in the decisive debate (14 January to 15 March 1850) he seconded the efforts of Montalembert, Parieu, and Thiers which resulted in victory for the Catholics.

Belén de Bajirá

However, the Antioquean authorities in Medellín stated that the new municipality was on Antioquean territory and demanded the case before the Council of State in Bogotá.

Children's Ombudsman

In July 2011 Dominique Baudis was appointed to the office by the Council of State on the nomination of the Prime Minister, for a single six-year term.

City Palace, Berlin

Of the entire extensive building, only the balcony from which Liebknecht had declared the German Socialist Republic was preserved, and later removed to the Council of State building (Staatsratsgebäude) where it formed the main entrance.

Compromise of Nobles

Afterwards, when the Regent met with the Council of State, Orange tried to calm her, and another member, Charles de Berlaymont, allegedly remarked that the petitioners were no more than beggars (Geuzen), who deserved a good thrashing, and that the Regent need not be afraid of them.

Cornelis Felix van Maanen

He rose to prominence under the French-dominated Kingdom of Holland, being appointed Minister of Justice in 1806 by Louis Bonaparte, and to the Council of State and as head of the Court of Appeals in The Hague in 1810 by Napoleon.

Cuban presidential election, 2008

Juan Almeida Bosque, Abelardo Colomé Ibarra, Carlos Lage Dávila, Esteban Lazo Hernández, and Julio Casas Regueiro were elected as Vice-Presidents of the Council of State, all receiving 608 votes except for Lage, who received 609.

Government of Finland

Some matters are decided by the President of Finland, the Head of State, in plenary meetings with the Council of State, echoing the constitutional history of a privy council.

J. R. Black

The same year Black received authorisation to publish articles on government policy and the proceedings of the Daijō-kan (太政官), or Council of State.

Louis Beel

In various affairs the royals faced, Beel's taciturn way of acting on behalf of the monarchy and his prudent pulling the strings behind the scene as Vice President of the Dutch Council of State gave him the nickname 'The Sphinx'.

San Yu

Though the BSPP Congress rejected the resignations or requests for permission to retire of U Aye Ko, General Secretary and Vice President of the State, U Sein Lwin, Joint General Secretary of BSPP and Secretary of the Council of State, U Tun Tin, BSPP Central Executive Committee member and Deputy Prime Minister, U Kyaw Htin, BSPP Central Executive Committee Member and Defence Minister, the congress accepted the resignations of Ne Win and San Yu from Party and State positions.

Solomon Blatt, Sr.

Blatt married Ethel Green on March 20, 1920 and they had one son, Solomon Blatt, Jr. Blatt served for 53 consecutive years in the legislature and was honored by the Council of State Governments as the longest serving state legislator in the nation.

Supreme Administrative Court of Finland

Appeals are made to the Supreme Administrative Court from the decisions of the administrative courts of Helsinki, Turku, Hämeenlinna, Kouvola, Kuopio, Vaasa, Oulu, Rovaniemi and Åland Islands, the Market Court, and the Council of State.

The Kapurthala Royal Collateral Families

Harnam Singh was a Member of the Council of the Governor-General of India and of the Legislative Council of Punjab, Member of the Hemp Drugs Commission 1893/94, Member of the Council of State for India.

Turkish Council of State shooting

The Turkish Council of State shooting was a 2006 incident in which gunman Alparslan Arslan entered the Turkish Council of State building in Ankara and shot dead one judge and injured four others.

Union Banking Corporation

Fritz Thyssen resigned from the Council of State after November 9, 1938 Kristallnacht, was arrested in 1940, and spent the remainder of the war in a sanatorium and in concentration camps.