
unusual facts about Court Martial

Barbara Olshansky

Olshansky was the recipient of a document leaked by Lieutenant Commander Matthew Diaz, that later lead to his court martial, detention, and discharge.

Jon Riley

Because Riley deserted before the US declared war against Mexico, he was not sentenced to execution following his conviction at the court martial held in Mexico City in 1847.

Peter Handcock

Handcock and Harry "Breaker" Morant were court martialed, convicted, and executed in Pretoria by firing squad of the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders on 27 February 1902 on murder charges for shooting Boer prisoners and a German missionary, Jacob Hesse, who had been a witness to the shootings.

see also

114th Pennsylvania Infantry

He was later brought to Court-martial to face these accusations but he successfully defended himself, introducing witnesses who could attest that he had served faithfully under fire during most of the battle until he collapsed from exhaustion due to his reoccurring problems with malaria.

Across the Pacific

In late 1941, Captain Rick Leland (Humphrey Bogart) is court-martialled and discharged from the U.S. Coast Artillery after he is caught stealing.

Admiral Byng

Admiral John Byng (1704–1757), a British admiral, shot by sentence of a court martial.

Alan J. Baverman

From 1983 to 1986, Alan Baverman worked for attorney Mark J. Kadish, the attorney who partnered with attorney F. Lee Bailey in the Vietnam court-martial case of the My Lai Massacre.

Billy Ward and his Dominoes

Article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice gives a unit commander authority to mete a certain amount of punishment to troops under his or her command without going through a court-martial, which includes fines (partial forfeiture of pay).

Cathy Wayne

At his court-martial, Killen was charged with premeditated murder and was alleged to have been aiming for his commanding officer, Major Roger E. Simmons.

Charles Memorial Hamilton

During the American Civil War, Hamilton entered the Union Army as a private in 1861 and served in Company A, Fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserves; appointed judge advocate of the general court-martial and general pass officer for the Army of the Potomac; served on the staff of the Military Governor of Washington, D.C., until transferred to Marianna, Florida in 1865.

Clayton Lawrence Bissell

Between October and December 1925, he served as assistant defense counsel for Mitchell during his court martial, under the direction of lead counsel Congressman Frank R. Reid.

Dale Swann

He also appeared in the miniseries The Alamo: Thirteen Days to Glory and in numerous made-for-television movies, including Everybody's Baby: The Rescue of Jessica McClure, Do You Know the Muffin Man?, Buried Alive, The Court-Martial of Jackie Robinson, Switched at Birth and Willing to Kill: The Texas Cheerleader Story.

Don Mankiewicz

He was nominated for the 1958 Academy Award for Writing Adapted Screenplay for I Want to Live! Among his many television credits are Ironside, for which he wrote the pilot, the original Star Trek (episode "Court-Martial") and the mini-series adaptation of President John F. Kennedy's book, Profiles in Courage.

Fallout and Follow Me

It presents companies such as Rio Tinto, Westinghouse and General Electric as characters as they go through several key moments in the history of uranium mining in Australia and other countries, such as the swindling of Australian, Canadian and South African governments in order to mine uranium, the 1961 court martial, and the introduction of the Ranger Uranium Mine enquiry report.

Frank Wuterich

Six of the cases were dropped and one officer was acquitted at court-martial.

George N. Crocker

During World War II, Crocker was an officer in the largest and longest Army court-martial resulting from the Fort Lawton Riot.

Jan Dahm

He was among the first group of people to be subject to court-martial during the German occupation of Norway, and later initiated and headed the Secret Intelligence Service group Theta, which operated in Bergen from December 1941 to June 1942.

Lawrence Rockwood

Between his court martial and the US Supreme Court denying his petition for a Writ of Certiorari in 2001, he pursued his PhD in diplomatic history at the University of Florida and worked as a human rights activists.

Leo Hershfield

Thereafter, he drew the proceedings for NBC at major trials around the country, including the Chicago Seven, the Harrisburg Seven, Jack Ruby, James Earl Ray, Clay Shaw, Arthur Bremer, Benjamin Spock, the Gainesville Eight, Billie Sol Estes and most famously the court martial of Lt. William Calley convicted in the My Lai Massacre trial.

Lynndie England

She was one of eleven military personnel convicted in 2005 by Army courts-martial in connection with the torture and prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad during the occupation of Iraq.

Malcolm Kendall-Smith

Philip Sapsford, QC, defending, told the court martial: "The flight lieutenant is entitled to advance before this tribunal that the use of force in Iraq was unlawful in international law," essentially reasoning that Kendall-Smith should be allowed to argue that any participation in the war effort was therefore unlawful.

Michael D. Murphy

On March 30, 2009, Murphy's court-martial began at Bolling Air Force Base in the District of Columbia, where he once was head of the Air Force Legal Operations Agency.

Michael Mulligan

As a military prosecutor, Mulligan led the 2005 court-martial of Hasan Akbar, a soldier ultimately convicted of murdering two of his fellow soldiers at the beginning of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

He was also appointed lead prosecutor in the court-martial of Nidal Malik Hasan, the sole accused in the November 2009 Fort Hood shooting.

Colonel Michael Mulligan is a prosecutor in the United States Army notable for serving as the lead prosecutor in the courts-martial of Hasan Akbar and of Nidal Malik Hasan, the sole accused in the November 2009 Fort Hood shooting.

My Lai Massacre

In 1975, Stanley Kramer and Lee Bernhard directed a docudrama Judgment: The Court Martial of Lieutenant William Calley with Tony Musante as Lieutenant Calley, and Harrison Ford as Frank Crowder.

Ni Daolang

He was convicted of treason and surrender to the enemy (namely Hanjian) and sentenced to death on the Court-martial of the Committee for Control of the Military, Bengbu City.

Palacio de los Tribunales de Justicia de Santiago

The Palacio de los Tribunales de Justicia de Santiago (English: Courts of Justice Palace of Santiago) is the building housing the Supreme Court of Chile, the Court of Appeals of Santiago, and the Court-martial Court of the Chilean Army, Chilean Air Force and Carabineros de Chile.

Pardon for Morant, Handcock and Witton

Following four separate courts martial in early 1902, during the Second Boer War, Lieutenants Peter Joseph Handcock (1868-1902) and Harry Harbord Morant (1864-1902), also known as "Breaker" Morant, of the Bushveldt Carbineers, were executed by a firing squad of Cameron Highlanders, in Pretoria, South Africa, on 27 February 1902, 18 hours after they had been sentenced.

Paschal Mooney

He was also in the forefront of the 'Shot at Dawn' campaign led in the British House of Commons by Andrew MacKinlay MP and in the House of Lords by Alf Dubs seeking a pardon for over 300 soldiers of World War I (including 26 Irish servicemen) shot in questionable circumstances following Field courts-martial.

Port-la-Joye–Fort Amherst

A mutiny took place among the garrison at Fort Amherst in 1762, resulting in courts-martial at Louisbourg for the main people involved; demotions and hundreds of lashes by cat o'nine tails and one execution.

Robert Senelle

After the liberation, in September 1944, he progressed, becoming in 1946 a judge at Louvain and, in 1947, a Courts-martial magistrate.


The city was the location of the court martial of Private Eddie Slovik in November 1944.

Roger Curtis

Lucius was an experienced post captain who had lost his ship at the Battle of Grand Port but was exonerated at the subsequent court martial and eventually became an Admiral of the Fleet.

Simon Reevell

Based in chambers in Leeds, he practises in general criminal law, specialising in defending service personnel at courts-martial both in the UK and abroad.

Telford Taylor

He strongly criticized the court-martial of Lt. William Calley, the commanding officer of the U.S. troops involved in the My Lai massacre, because it did not include higher-ranking officers.

Terence Albert O'Brien

Major General Purcell, Father Wolf and O'Brien were brought before a court martial and ordered for execution by General Henry Ireton.

The Crime of Cuenca

The torture scenes are depicted in great detail and crudity and the movie was initially banned in Spain and the director subjected to military courts martial.

The Execution of Emperor Maximilian

Maximilian was captured in May 1867, sentenced to death at a court martial, and executed with Generals Miguel Miramón and Tomás Mejía on 19 June 1867.

Thirteenth stroke of the clock

An obituary notice of a John Hatfield that appeared in the Public Advertiser a few days after his death states that a soldier in the time of William and Mary was tried by a court-martial on a charge of having fallen asleep when on duty upon the terrace at Windsor.

Two Men Went to War

The aide intervenes in the court martial, establishes their presence at the enemy radar station and conveys an invitation to tea with the Prime Minister should they ever be in Whitehall.

U.S. Navy Good Conduct Variation

Additionally, if an individual is convicted by court-martial or Non-judicial punishment (NJP), the gold badge and gold service stripes must be removed from the uniform on the date the conviction becomes final within the meaning of Article 76, Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Wanganui Campaign

Five of the six killers were captured by lower Wanganui Māori; four were court-martialled in Wanganui and hanged at Rutland Stockade.