
12 unusual facts about Cupressaceae

Arkansas Timberlands

Dense pine and cypress forests covered the hilly terrain and lined the numerous rivers of the Timberlands until modern settlement created a significant logging industry and subsequent clearance agriculture which provided the basis of the local economy until the discovery of petroleum.


In China and Japan, coffins made from the scented, decay-resistant wood of cypress, sugi, thuja and incense-cedar are in high demand.


Monterey cypress is another famous picturesque tree often visited by tourists and photographers.

Grimsby and Immingham Electric Railway

The first was built three miles from Immingham by Siemens Brothers whose contract included the construction of the overhead line and the installation of 184 Baltic Redwood fir poles which would run alongside the line.


Analysis of the amber composition indicates it originated as cupressaceous resins which were deposited in lagoons and salt water marshes along the Western Interior Seaway.


Owing to the low availability of metal in Japan, early hibachis were made from dug-out cypress wood lined with clay.


Hinokitiol (β-thujaplicin) is a natural monoterpenoid found in the wood of trees in the family Cupressaceae.

Log flume

Together with a constant water supply from a nearby reservoir, the flume enabled the efficient transportation of boards of lumber over deep gorges and cliffs and thereby opened up the area now known as Sequoia National Forest for clearcutting of the giant Redwood forests.

Madeleine Cemetery

Desclozeaux had taken note of the sites where the King and Queen were buried and reputedly surrounded them with a hedge, two weeping willows, and cypress trees.

Northeast Cape Fear River

The river and its valley are home to a variety of interesting and uncommon flora and fauna, including the palmetto, cypress, alligator, pileated woodpecker and bowfin.

Shaniwar Wada

All the state halls in the buildings are said to have doorways with exquisitely carved teak arches, with ornamental teardrop teak pillars shaped like Suru (cypress tree) trunks supporting the ceilings, which were covered with beautiful teak tracery, carved creepers and flowers.

Trochetiopsis erythroxylon

Saint Helena redwood is completely unrelated to the redwood tree of California and other trees called redwood.


Cupressaceae |

Pencil cedar

Pencil cedar, Virginia pencil cedar - Juniperus virginiana CUPRESSACEAE

African pencil cedar - Juniperus procera CUPRESSACEAE

Bermudan pencil cedar - Juniperus bermudiana CUPRESSACEAE