
3 unusual facts about Damon and Pythias

Dominic Salvatore Gentile

Winston Churchill called Gentile and his wingman, Captain John T. Godfrey, Damon and Pythias, after the legendary characters from Greek mythology.

Quick Service

Getting his employer, that tough-egg, Steptoe, to waltz to his tune is but a moment's work for Joss, who uses Howard's Achilles' heel of playing dice (and losing dearly) to turn the relationship Damon-and-Pythias-esque.

Templars of Honor and Temperance

The society had a secret ritual which was based on the medieval Knights Templar, the story of Damon and Pythias as well as Jonathan and David.

see also

Ann Little

Another notable film of the period was the 1914 Ruth Ann Baldwin penned and Allan Dwan adapted epic Damon and Pythias, which included a cast of thousands of extras.