Dan Almagor (born 1935) is an Israeli playwright who has adapted and translated over a hundred plays for the Hebrew stage, including Shakespeare's "The Comedy of Errors", "Fiddler on the Roof," "The King and I," "My Fair Lady" and "Guys and Dolls".
Dan Aykroyd | Steely Dan | Dan Quayle | Dan Rather | Dan Cruickshank | Dan Brown | Dan Simmons | Dan Fogelberg | Dan Abnett | England Dan & John Ford Coley | Dan Ryan Expressway | Dan Deacon | Dan Reeves | Dan Graham | Dan Burton | Dan Wheldon | Dan | Dan Savage | Dan in Real Life | Dan Hill | Dan Flavin | Dan Vapid | Dan Sperber | Dan Penn | Dan Bricklin | Dan Tyminski | Dan Slott | Dan Lipinski | Dan Fante | Dan Dare |