
2 unusual facts about Dancing master

Ballets de cour

Pierre Rameau expanded on Beauchamp's work in Dancing master 1725 further detailing carriage of the body, steps and positions.

Dancing master

The Dancing Master, a dance manual, first published by John Playford in 1651

see also

George Hepple

He was born into a musical family; his grandfather had been taught to step-dance by the famous fiddler-composer and dancing master Robert Whinham.

Girard de Beaulieu

Choreography, and overall direction was provided by the Italian dancing master Baltazarini, known as Balthasar de Beaujoyeulx.

Jason et Médée

As early as 1454 however, the myth was presented as a dumb show in Lille, and, in 1489, the dancing master Bergonzio di Botta of Tortona adapted the tale of the Argonauts to a version that then became a model for subsequent danced entries in a variety of styles and tastes.