On January 20, 2006, Richmond was traded by the Hurricanes to the Chicago Blackhawks for Anton Babchuk, and was assigned to the Norfolk Admirals of the AHL.
Richmond | Richmond, Virginia | Richmond F.C. | Danny Glover | Danny DeVito | Danny Kaye | Richmond Football Club | Richmond, California | Danny Boyle | Richmond, London | Danny Thompson | Richmond, British Columbia | Charles Lennox, 2nd Duke of Richmond | Danny Boy | Danny Elfman | Danny Dyer | Richmond, Victoria | Richmond, North Yorkshire | Richmond, Indiana | Danny Bonaduce | Danny Phantom | Sarah Lennox, Duchess of Richmond and Lennox | Richmond International Raceway | Danny Way | Danny John-Jules | Danny Aiello | Charles Lennox, 4th Duke of Richmond | Richmond, Tasmania | Richmond Road | Danny Trejo |