
2 unusual facts about Darkness


Tenebrism, from the Italian, tenebroso (murky), also called dramatic illumination, is a style of painting using very pronounced chiaroscuro, where there are violent contrasts of light and dark and where darkness becomes a dominating feature of the image.

The World of Lucha Libre

The aspects of the performance involve play-roles that range from socially marked characters to animals (e.g. jaguars) and elemental forces (Tinieblas or Darkness), but also mass media cultural images, such as El Zorro.

A Brief Crack of Light

, the album's title comes from Vladimir Nabokov, who describes life as "A brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness".

Aleksandra Samusenko

Samusenko died from wounds in the German village Zülzefirz (70 km from Berlin), during the East Pomeranian Offensive, and according to World War II veteran Pyotr Demidov, under the caterpillar tracks of a tank, which did not notice the accompanying people in the darkness.


In the darkness, Areop-Enap explored the clam's insides, and found a tiny snail (or in some accounts, a Triton's Horn shellfish).

Bad Shave

"...unique, customised but never self-indulgent or irritatingly inaccessible. It's as off as it's beautiful, as rich as it's lo fi... imagine Ray Davies emerging, blinking and bearded, Howard Hughes like, after years in the darkness and you'll have some idea of the deeply, deeply English yet marvellously, utterly alien world of Baby Bird." - Melody Maker

Cumberland Lodge

In 1943 Amy Buller’s book Darkness Over Germany was published.Drawing on her experiences in Germany between the two world wars, she believed that the rise of Nazism had been significantly aided by the great German universities not teaching students to use their critical judgment on the world around them and not providing an environment where the great issues of the day could be openly discussed.

Dark retreat

All spiritual traditions have used Darkness Techniques in the pursuit of enlightenment: in Europe, the dark room appeared as a network of tunnels, in Egypt as the Pyramides, in Rome as the catacombs, by the Essenes in Israel and Taoists in China as caves.

Darkness Descends

The song "Darkness Descends" is about the comic book characters known as the Dark Judges from the Judge Dredd comic book series, and even contains their famous statement, "this city is guilty, the crime is life, the sentence is death."

Dianne Haskett

One of the speakers was Rev. Miguel Sanchez of the London Gospel Temple, who prayed for deliverance "from the darkness and deception of the spirit of Islam".

Dracula 2012

Super Hit song Prince of Darkness Song Project Design By Casting Director - Dinesh Nair, Mumbai,

Equatoguinean literature in Spanish

In 1987, Las tinieblas de tu memoria negra (The darkness of your black memory), a novel by Donato Ndongo-Bidyogo, was published.

Eric Illayapparachchi

One of his short stories was made into a television drama for the series Vinividimi Adura (Through the Darkness) on Sri Lanka's ITN network.

Fear of bats

Bats, being nocturnal animals, are associated with various dangers and fears of darkness, with the centuries of prejudices and accompanying myths of Dracula, Halloween, etc.

Frankie Teardrop

The track has become a recurring point of discussion on The Best Show on WFMU with Tom Scharpling where host Tom tells callers to try and listen to the entire song on headphones in complete darkness.

George Pipgras

He was the umpire behind the plate in one of baseball's most dramatic wins ever: on September 30, 1945, at St. Louis' Sportsman's Park, when Hank Greenberg hit a ninth inning Grand Slam, after Pipgras suggested to Greenberg that the game should be called on account of darkness.

H.P. Lovecraft's: Necronomicon

(While the story takes minor elements from "The Whisperer in Darkness", the bat-like aliens have little in common with the Mi-go. The only real similarity seems to be in their ability to transfer a human brain into a new container, albeit one of their own bodies rather than a canister, as a means to expand their population. They also bear no physical resemblance aside from wings.)

Himalayan Swiftlet

What distinguishes many, but not all, swiftlet species from other swifts and indeed almost all other birds( the Oilbird being an exception) is their ability to use a simple but effective form of echolocation to navigate in through the darkness of the caves where they roost at night and breed.

In Darkness Waiting

In Darkness Waiting is a science fiction short story by Stephen Leigh.

João Magueijo

In 2009, he published A Brilliant Darkness, an account of the life and science of vanished physicist Ettore Majorana.

Kraft Suspense Theatre

Other episodes that were later expanded into theatrical films (initially for European release) included "Once Upon a Savage Night" (released as Nightmare In Chicago) and "In Darkness, Waiting" (Strategy of Terror).

Lady Inger of Ostrat

Norwegian literature was virtually nonexistent during the period of the Scandinavian Union and the subsequent Dano-Norwegian union (1387—1814) — Ibsen characterized that period as "Four Hundred Years of Darkness."

Ibsen was a major participant in a flood of nationalistic romanticism that followed the "Four Hundred Years of Darkness" and is recognized as one the great four contributors of this period (the others being Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Alexander Kielland, and Jonas Lie).

Leap into Darkness

Leap into Darkness is a 1998 memoir that was written by Holocaust survivor Leo Bretholz and co-author Michael Olesker.

Lovers in a Dangerous Time

U2 alluded to "Lovers" in their 1988 single "God Part II", with the lyric Heard a singer on the radio late last night/He says he's gonna kick the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight.

Maciste nella terra dei ciclopi

Queen Capys is doomed to a life of slavery by the Powers of Darkness until the last descendant of Ulysses is put to death to please the Cyclops.

Marissa Faireborn

Marissa debuted in the 5-part mini-series "Five Faces of Darkness", travelling to Jupiter's moon, Io, in order to rescue the stranded Autobots Blurr and Wheelie.

Murugappa Channaveerappa Modi

Helen Keller, who spoke of him as "a light piercing the darkness with his selfless service".

Mysterious Ways

"Mysterious Ways," hymn by William Cowper (1731-1800), originally titled "Light Shining out of Darkness"

Nether region

Hell, the Underworld, or any place of darkness or eternal suffering

Night Girl

Night Girl has the powers of super-strength equivalent to that of Superboy or Mon-El and durability (though not quite at Kryptonian levels), but only in darkness or deep shadow.

Old 666

Taking off at 4 a.m. to make use of cover of darkness, 'Old 666' and crew headed for Bougainville, where they were instructed to take reconnaissance of the Japanese controlled island, to determine logistics and enemy strength for the upcoming Invasion of the Solomon Islands.

Ozzy's Boneyard

In 2012 Sirius/XM decided to relaunched The Boneyard in the hands of The Prince Of Darkness himself, Mr. Ozzy Osbourne & renamed it Ozzy's Boneyard.

Paglipas ng Dilim

Paglipas ng Dilim ("After the Darkness") is a 1920 zarzuela – a Spanish lyric-dramatic genre – written in the Tagalog-language by Filipino playwright and novelist Precioso Palma.

Pawnee people

The sacrifice was related to the belief that the first human being was a girl, born of the mating of the Morning Star, the male figure of light, and Evening Star, a female figure of darkness, in their creation story.

Pere Ubu

Pere Ubu's debut single (their first four records were singles on their own "Hearthan" label) was "30 Seconds Over Tokyo" (inspired by the "Doolittle Raid" and named after a film depicting the raid), backed with "Heart of Darkness"; followed by "Final Solution" in 1976.

Piercing the Darkness

Piercing the Darkness, which was published in 1988, is a sequel to Frank E. Peretti's novel This Present Darkness.


According to author Gordon Thomas' 2007 book, Secrets and Lies, the CIA's Operation Often was also initiated by the chief of the CIA's Technical Services Branch, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, to "explore the world of black magic" and "harness the forces of darkness and challenge the concept that the inner reaches of the mind are beyond reach".

Rex Libris

With the aid of the ancient god Thoth, who lives beneath the Library, Rex travels to the farthest reaches of the universe to collect late book fees, and to fight the powers of ignorance and darkness.

Roamin' In The Gloamin'

Gabby Hartnett's clutch home run for Chicago Cubs late in the 1938 baseball season, when the game was at risk of being called on account of darkness, was dubbed the "Homer in the Gloamin'".

SS Patna

It's a fact that at least two groups White Fathers (second and fourth caravan from Zanzibar) have travelled on the real SS Patna from Algiers to Aden on their way to Zanzibar, on the way to the later Heart of Darkness.

Stalking Darkness

Stalking Darkness is the second book in Lynn Flewelling's Nightrunner series.

The Darkness II

Musician Mike Patton reprises his role as the voice of the Darkness while Brian Bloom voices Jackie Estacado, replacing Kirk Acevedo who provided the voice of Jackie in the previous game.

The Good, the Sad and the Drugly

When she discovers online reports about soap for drinks instead of water, a world war over a tiny drop of oil, a parking lot yet to be filled forever and the last polar bear committing suicide by hanging himself, she is filled with anxiety and depression and terrifies her classmates with her dark visions of the oceans rising from global warming, turning humanity and the lowlands into a desert and darkness falling upon Nineveh.

The Gospel of Filth

The Gospel of Filth: A Bible of Decadence & Darkness (formerly known as "The Gospel of Filth: A Black Metal Bible") is a book by Dani Filth and Gavin Baddeley, documenting the history of the band Cradle of Filth and straying further afield to explore their influences and "lay bare the fascinating underworld of contemporary culture".

The Rider's Digest

The letters pages are a detailed discussion forum, and the Rider’s Lives column has featured Many 'Celebrities' including Scottish novelist Iain Banks, motorcycle & truck racer Steve Parrish, Prince of Darkness - Damned frontman David Vanian, BBC Radio 1 DJ Mary Anne Hobbs and motorcycling MP’s Lembit Öpik and Stephen Ladyman alongside dozens of other riders.

The Silver River

The Jade Emperor, Lord of Heaven, dreams of a chaos that plunges heaven and earth into darkness.

Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness

The music for Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness was composed by Peter Connelly and Martin Iveson.


Following two voyages to Rouen, the ship was proceeding to Cherbourg when she hit an underwater obstruction which holed her hull, flooding both engine rooms and plunging the ship into darkness.

When Darkness Falls

:"When Darkness Falls" is also the title of a song by Killswitch Engage, from their album, The End of Heartache

World of Darkness

One of the earliest collectible card games (CCG) Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (formerly called Jyhad) is also based on the original World of Darkness, staying very true to the setting.

see also