
5 unusual facts about Financial transaction

Contingent payment sales

In business dealings, transactions often occur that include variables based on future events that can be difficult to ascertain (for example, a company may sell in an amount stock along with a percentage of that company’s net profits.) As these transactions are contingent on payments that occur in the future, and the total selling price cannot be determined as of the end of the taxable year of the sale, they are known as Contingent Payment Sales.

Interest on past due child support

Use of a spreadsheet may be practical, however, if all transactions (obligations due and payment made), regardless of actual dates, are "forced" to the first day of each month.


POS terminals/smart terminals are now able to approve payment transactions without having to obtain approval from a remote server.

Real estate investment association

The goals, methods, and tools available to a professional real estate investor are generally not the same as a typical real estate transaction.

Straight-through processing

Historically, STP solutions were needed to help financial markets firms move to one-day trade settlement of equity transactions, as well as to meet the global demand resulting from the explosive growth of online trading.

Earnest payment

It was either money or a valuable coin or token given to bind a bargain, notably for the purchase or hiring of a servant.

see also

Ananias Club

The Ananias Club, supposedly named for Ananias who fell dead when he lied to the apostle Peter about a financial transaction, was an expression employed by the press in 1906-1907 to avoid the "short and ugly word" (liar) in connection with the "mutual accusations of in veracity" which arose between President Theodore Roosevelt and Senator Benjamin Tillman of South Carolina over the railroad rate bill.

Master contract

Master transaction agreement, a type of financial transaction common in banking and stock markets

Pattern Oriented Rule Implementation

The Pattern Oriented Rule Implementation (PORI) table is a data structure invented by Amdocs for representation of algorithms for determining a price or set of prices in a financial transaction.

Tobin tax

In 2009, U.S. Representative Peter DeFazio of Oregon proposed a financial transaction tax in his "Let Wall Street Pay for the Restoration of Main Street Bill".