
unusual facts about Denial: Why Business Leaders Fail to Look Facts in the Face---and What to Do About It

Denial: Why Business Leaders Fail to Look Facts in the Face---and What to Do About It

The book was published in 2010 by Portfolio (ISBN 9781591843139 ) and, according to WorldCat, is in 565 libraries.

1927 Indiana Bituminous Strike

The senators, who included Senator Robert Wagner of New York, heard testimony from Rossiter miners, company officials, and Langham, and pointedly questioned the judge and company attorneys about the injunction's marker denial of civil liberties and free speech.


Adevism (from the Sanskrit term deva, on the analogy of atheism) is a term introduced by Friedrich Max Müller to imply the denial of gods, in particular, the legendary gods of Hinduism.

Ahdeya Ahmed

Her defense of the legitimacy of the electoral procedure in Bahrain and denial of the existence of Sectarianism in Bahrain came under criticism from famous Bahraini blogger Mahmood Al-Yousif, who titled his article about her statements "Blonde Moments in the Bahraini Elections."

Alan Clarke

The film took its title from Bernard MacLaverty's description of the troubles as "the elephant in our living room" - a reference to the collective denial of the underlying social problems of Northern Ireland.

Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians

In 2007, Weizfeld, as Administrative Secretary of ACJC, protested the controversial denial of tenure by DePaul University to pro-Palestinian professor Norman Finkelstein.

Analogy of the Cave

Evolutionary biologist Jeremy Griffith's best-selling book "A Species In Denial" includes the chapter Deciphering Plato’s Cave Analogy.

Anticipatory grief

The five stages (denial, bargaining, depression, anger and acceptance) proposed by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her model of grief to describe the process by which people cope after a loss can also be present in anticipatory grief.

Assistance in Recovery

Assistance in Recovery (AiR) follows in line with the philosophy and practice of Dr. Vernon Johnson, the creator of the Johnson Model of intervention, which stresses the need to break through the denial harbored by most who suffer from addiction.

Avaya Secure Router 4134

The Avaya secure router 4134 has fully integrated firewalls and VPNs for increased reliability; it also includes a stateful packet firewall and prevention of over 60 distributed denial of service attacks.

Bernie Tormé

In 2007, Tormé contributed lead guitar and sitar parts to "Smile In Denial", track #4 of Yoni, a solo album from Wildhearts frontman Ginger.

Christine Harnos

Harnos is known for portraying Jennifer, the first wife of main character Mark Greene on ER (1994–2002), Rimmer in the Action/Horror film Hellraiser: Bloodline (1996), Dotty from The Girl Gets Moe (1997) film, Sarah Hughes in Cold Dog Soup (1990) film, Linda Wyatt in Judgement Night (1993) film, Rhonda in Pink as the Day She Was Born (1997) film, and as Sid in Denial (1990) film.

Christopher de Bellaigue

He wrote "Rebel Land: Among Turkey's Forgotten People", an account of the three years he lived in Varto, after publishing an essay in the New York Review of Books about the Turkish "deportations and massacres" of Armenians in 1915 and being told by Professor James R. Russell that he was engaging in genocide denial and scolded by editor Robert Silvers for acting as an "apologist" for the Turks.


The denial was due to the fact that the station would focus more on the nearby city of Penticton, where it would compete with other stations in that market, while losing its focus on Kelowna.

Content security

Network security, the provisions and policies adopted to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network

David Cordani

In 2012, David Cordani was lampooned (using his real name) in an article by The Onion, in which Cigna's infamous claim denial history was the subject of the joke.

Death Without Denial Grief Without Apology: A Guide for Facing Death and Loss

Death Without Denial Grief Without Apology: A Guide for Facing Death and Loss by former Oregon Governor Barbara K. Roberts is a personal narrative of the author's experiences during her husband, Frank's battle with cancer, the final year of his life, and the subsequent years of grieving.


The American Heart Association cites denial as a principal reason that treatment of a heart attack is delayed.

Denial-of-service attack

Routers have also been known to create unintentional DoS attacks, as both D-Link and Netgear routers have created NTP vandalism by flooding NTP servers without respecting the restrictions of client types or geographical limitations.

Widespread publication of a number can also flood it with enough calls to render it unusable, as happened with multiple +1-area code-867-5309 subscribers inundated by hundreds of misdialed calls daily in response to a popular song 867-5309/Jenny.

Douglas Tottle

In his book, Searching for place: Ukrainian Displaced Persons, Canada, and the Migration of Memory, Lubomyr Luciuk comments: "For a particularly base example of famine-denial literature, see Tottle, Fraud, famine, and fascism...".

Eric Schocket

In Vanishing Moments: Class and American Literature (University of Michigan Press, 2006), Schocket examined the way in which class-conscious American literature (such as by Herman Melville, Rebecca Harding Davis, William Howells, and Langston Hughes) confronted and addressed the typical American denial of issues of social stratification.

Gary Ellis

Pro title focusing on the ABA's denial of awarding Christophe Lévêque the title.

Ghulam Ahmad Faroghi

After his denial, Mir Bakshi started sending his son to Ghulam Ahmad Faroghi in a Baggi along with Artillery Sepoys as a guard.

Greek love

Tyrwhitt, who was a vigorous supporter of studying Greek, characterized the Hellenism of his day as "the total denial of any moral restraint on any human impulses," and outlined what he saw as the proper scope of Greek influence on the education of young men.

Horst Mahler

On March 19, 2009, Mahler's wife, former university teacher and lawyer Sylvia Stolz, was also convicted and imprisoned for Holocaust denial after she claimed that a "Jewish foreign power" ruled the German federal authorities and the Western world and that the federal German courts practised "Allied victors' justice" by limiting free speech.

Ismail Kadare

Shefki Hysa, "The Diplomacy of self-denial" (Diplomacia e vetëmohimit), publicistic, Tirana, 2008, ISBN 978-99956-650-3-6

Jezper Söderlund

Jezper made a personal announcement on his Airbase website on October 1 stating that on September 27 he got engaged to his girlfriend, Jessica Ramboldt, who provided lyrics as Floria Ambra for Airbase's single "Denial", "Interfere" and "Wonders".

Josaia Waqabaca

The Fiji Sun quoted Waqabaca on 16 March as saying that in late February, he had been confronted by Cabinet Minister Ted Young and rebuked for not joining the ruling Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua (SDL), and later by the businessmen who had planned the bombing of Nadi airport, who had forced him to sign a denial of his earlier media plans.

Justine Saunders

In 2000, through the indigenous Senator Aden Ridgeway, she returned the medal in protest at the emotional turmoil her mother was suffering over the Howard government's denial of the term "stolen generation".


MafiaBoy was the Internet alias of Michael Demon Calce, a high school student from West Island, Quebec, who launched a series of highly publicized denial-of-service attacks in February 2000 against large commercial websites including Yahoo!, Fifa.com, Amazon.com, Dell, Inc., E*TRADE, eBay, and CNN.

Matlock Mercury

The case, and Don Hale's campaign, was featured in the 2004 BBC drama In Denial of Murder in which Stephen Tompkinson played Don Hale and Caroline Catz played Wendy Sewell.

Merchants of Doubt

David Michaels’s Doubt is their Product (2008), Chris Mooney’s The Republican War on Science (2009), David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz’s Deceit and Denial (2002), and his own book Cancer Wars (1995).

Mihail Taşcă

In 2006-2008, Taşcă won two cases concerning the denial of access to information opened against the Information and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova, which denied access to its archive.


The tracks "Nothing's What It Seems", "Denial", "Erica", "Eyes Wide Shut" & "Strangers Among Us" all were originally off Project Wyze's "Only If I Knew - EP " but were redone for their major debut release.


It also includes two new songs "El Carnal de las Estrellas", which is an attack to the Mexican broadcasting company Televisa after its denial to run their music videos, and "Rap, Soda y Bohemia" (their version of "Bohemian Rhapsody"), which was also included on a compilation album titled, "Tributo a Queen" It also includes two videos, listed as songs 11 and 12.

National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive

After this denial, DeFazio joined with two colleagues (Bennie Thompson, chairman of the committee; and Chris Carney, chairman of the Homeland Security oversight subcommittee) in a renewed effort to gain access to the documents.

Pierre Charles Chesnelong

Through some misunderstanding, he reported on his return that the count had accepted all the terms offered, including the retention of the drapeau tricolore - the Count published a formal denial, which brought about his own downfall.

Portland Adventist Academy

In June 2006, the court again rejected the OSAA's arguments and found the OSAA's denial in violation of Or. Rev. Stat. § 659.850(2).

Reed Construction Data

The suit was filed in Minnesota U.S. District Court, with BidClerk alleging that a series of “denial of services” attacks were directed against its online system, flooding it with “millions of page views.”

Richard Farnham

Farnham added in an appendix an explicit denial that he claimed to be Christ or Elias, or that he had prophesied a shower of blood, but insisted that he foresaw a long drought, pestilence, and war.

Script kiddie

Calce, a.k.a. MafiaBoy, a high school student from Montreal, Canada, was arrested in 2000 for using downloaded tools to launch a series of highly publicized denial-of-service attacks against high-profile Web sites such as Yahoo!, Dell, eBay, and CNN.

Sergei Nikolaevich Trubetskoy

Study of his philosophy led Trubetskoy to a conclusion that Schopenhauer's pessimism was the result of denial of God.

Special wards of Tokyo

The denial of elected mayors to the special wards was reaffirmed by the Supreme Court in the 1963 decision Japan v. Kobayashi et al. (also known as Tokyo Ward Autonomy Case).

Tempus clausum

During this closed time the believers shall prepare in their personal lifestyle through prayer, penance, repentance, almsgiving, and self-denial for the solemnity days.

The Cycle of Terror and Tragedy

However, it has become somewhat controversial, both for its unabashedly academic style, inspired both by Jacques-Louis David and William Bouguereau, and for its highly symbolic content, said to express the cycle of denial and tragedy.

The Denial Twist

The music video for "The Denial Twist" was directed by Michel Gondry.

Yoshimi Takeuchi

"According to Takeuchi, the core part of Lu Xun 'is awareness of the literature which was acquired through a confrontation with politics'. Literature in itself is directly powerless. However, as a result, literature could be involved in politics by devoting literature to literature. A writer could be powerful if he would dig down mental "darkness" and realize self-denial and self-innovation without dependence. Lu Xun was aware of this, so Takeuchi calls it "reform" ('eshin').


ZMW attack, a possible denial-of-service attack on the Internet infrastructure

see also