
2 unusual facts about penance

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine

These classes not only educate children about Jesus and the Catholic faith but prepare children to receive the sacraments of Penance (confession), the Eucharist (Holy Communion), and Confirmation.


Once they are ready to start, the priest says, “Blessed is our God, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages,” reads the Trisagion Prayers and the Psalm 50 (in the Septuagint; in the KJV this is Psalm 51).


Edith Royer, founder of the Brotherhood "Prayer and Penance" of Montmartre, was born in the diocese of Sens on 14 June 1841, in the village of Aisy, located on the border of Burgundy and Champagne.

Avranches Cathedral

The seat of the Bishop of Avranches, it was a Gothic construction, notable as the place of the penance of Henry II of England in 1172 for the murder of Thomas Becket.

Battle Abbey

In 1070 Pope Alexander II ordered the Normans to do penance for killing so many people during their conquest of England.

Bernard of Italy

In 822, Louis made a display of public penance at Attigny, where he confessed before all the court to having sinfully slain his nephew; he also welcomed his half-brothers back into his favour.

Church of the Province of Melanesia

The church in its canons accepts and teaches the seven sacraments of the Church, Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, Penance, Holy Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick.

Drogo of Metz

In 822, as a deeply religious man, Louis performed penance (for causing the death of Bernard of Italy and other issues), at his palace of Attigny near Vouziers in the Ardennes, before Pope Paschal I, and a council of ecclesiastics and nobles of the realm that had been convened for the reconciliation of Louis with his three sons.


She had been shuttled by the enigmatic Aborigine mutant Gateway, whose only word to the confused team was "Penance".

Investiture Controversy

As penance for his sins, and echoing his own punishment of the Saxons after the First Battle of Langensalza, he dramatically wore a hairshirt and stood in the snow barefoot in the middle of winter in what has become known as the Walk to Canossa.

Legend of Tirumala

Lord Vishnu reincarnated as Srinivasa (or presented himself after penance in the ant-hill) as the son of elderly woman-saint Vakula.

Libellus responsionum

Before it was ever transmitted in Bede's Historia, however, the Libellus circulated as part of several different early medieval canon law collections, often in the company of texts of a penitential nature.

Liber Gomorrhianus

Although various forms of same-sex behaviour were discussed in contemporary handbooks of penance, such as those by Burchard of Worms and Regino of Prüm, this is the only theological tract which exclusively addresses this theme.

Narcisa de Jesús

Narcisa then moved to the city of Cuenca where she went from home to home, living with whoever would take her including the Blessed Mercedes de Jesús Molina to allow herself greater privacy for prayer and penance.

Poenitentiam agite

The Latin term Poenitentiam agite is used in the first of the Ninety-Five Theses of Martin Luther, and variously translated into English as "Repent" or "Do Penance".

Salian dynasty

In the end, Henry IV journeyed to Canossa in northern Italy in 1077 to do penance and to receive absolution from the pope.

Sree Ramaswami Temple

On their request for penance, Agasthya Muni advised them to perform Tapas at two Shiva Temples.

St Paul's Cross

Reginald Pecock, Bishop of St. Asaph, attacked Lollardy from this cross in 1437 but himself did public penance there in 1447 (by which time he was Bishop of Chichester) before a mob of 20,000 and the Archbishop of Canterbury, throwing various examples of his own heretical writings into a fire.

Tempus clausum

During this closed time the believers shall prepare in their personal lifestyle through prayer, penance, repentance, almsgiving, and self-denial for the solemnity days.


While undertaking a penance, Kaushika helps a boy named Shunashepa who has been sold by his parents to be sacrificed at Ambarisha's yagna to please Varuna.


Washim is a place with antiquity and according to some scholars, it is the place where Vatsa rishi performed penance and where many Gods came to bless him as a result of which it came to be known as Vatsagulma.

Witham Charterhouse

The charterhouse was founded by Henry II in his Royal Forest of Selwood, as part of his penance for the murder of Archbishop Thomas Becket of Canterbury.


Upon witnessing this act a couplet broke forth Sage Narada "Enna Thavam Saidhanai, Yashoda" which in Tamil literally means: "What penance have You (Mother Yashoda) undertaken to be bestowed with the powers to punish the supreme (Narayana)".

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