Dennis W. Choi, M.D., Ph.D., (born in Ann Arbor, Michigan) was the Jones Professor and head of neurology at the Center for the Study of Nervous System Injury at Washington University in St. Louis He was part of the team that treated Christopher Reeve following the actor's notorious spinal cord injury.
Choi arrived at Emory University in August 2007, where he currently serves as the Director of the Comprehensive Neurosciences Center and the Neuroscience, Human Nature, and Society Initiative, both of which are under the umbrella of Emory Healthcare.
Choi grew up in Watertown, Massachusetts, attended Harvard College, from which he graduated in 1974, and went on to Harvard Medical School and the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology to receive an MD and a PhD in Pharmacology in 1978.
Dennis Hopper | Dennis Quaid | Dennis the Menace | Dennis Rodman | Dennis Miller | Dennis Potter | Dennis Haysbert | Dennis the Menace (1959 TV series) | Dennis Kucinich | Dennis Morgan | Dennis Lillee | Dennis Dart | Dennis Prager | Dennis Oppenheim | Dennis Waterman | Dennis Green | Dennis Franchione | Dennis | Sandy Dennis | Hugh Dennis | Dennis Morgan (songwriter) | Dennis Lehane | Dennis Adams | Dennis Wilson | Dennis Wheatley | Dennis Tito | Dennis O'Keefe | Dennis Cooper | Dennis Christopher | Dennis Brown |