Inge Johansson (born May 10, 1977) is the bass player of the politically charged punk/rock band The (International) Noise Conspiracy, which he formed in Umeå, Sweden in 1998 together with Dennis Lyxzén, Sara Almgren, Ludwig Dahlberg and Lars Strömberg.
In 2005 Johansson started the label Ny Våg together with his good friend Dennis Lyxzén, and Johansson tours as a DJ on a regular basis.
According to Dennis Lyxzén (their record company manager), it was trouble in the band that got them to stop playing.
Dennis Hopper | Dennis Quaid | Dennis the Menace | Dennis Rodman | Dennis Miller | Dennis Potter | Dennis Haysbert | Dennis the Menace (1959 TV series) | Dennis Kucinich | Dennis Morgan | Dennis Lillee | Dennis Dart | Dennis Prager | Dennis Oppenheim | Dennis Waterman | Dennis Green | Dennis Franchione | Dennis | Sandy Dennis | Hugh Dennis | Dennis Morgan (songwriter) | Dennis Lehane | Dennis Adams | Dennis Wilson | Dennis Wheatley | Dennis Tito | Dennis O'Keefe | Dennis Cooper | Dennis Christopher | Dennis Brown |