
3 unusual facts about Denominación de Origen

Bizkaiko Txakolina

Txakoli de Bizkaia – Bizkaiko Txakolina is a Spanish Denominación de Origen (DO) (Jatorrizko Deitura in Basque) for wines, located in the province of Bizkaia, Basque Country, Spain.

Choapa Province

Only one brand of wine, De Martino Syrah, currently holds the D.O. of “Choapa Valley”.


Denominación de Origen - regulatory classification system primarily for Spanish wines


Its production is regulated by the denominación de origen "Distilled spirits of Alicante," along with anise paloma, herbero, and the café licor of Alcoy.


Garnacha plays a major role in the Denominación de Origen Calificada (DOC/DOQ) wines of Rioja and Priorat and the Denominación de Origen (DO) wines of Navarra and all southern Aragonese and southern Catalonian appellations, plus the mountainous areas just southwest of Madrid: Méntrida and Cebreros.


Somontano is a Spanish Denominación de Origen (DO) for wines, created in 1984, and located in the county of the same name, in the province of Huesca, (Aragon).

see also