
unusual facts about Depiction

3 Dev Adam

Spider-Man: His costume is vastly different from both the comics and his depiction on the poster, differing both in design and color.


Rao Renuka of Daily News and Analysis offers that the film is a poor depiction of the Cinderella story.

Amon Goeth

Goeth's actions at Płaszów Labour Camp became internationally known through his depiction by British actor Ralph Fiennes in the 1993 film Schindler's List.

Andrew Melrose

In 1915 he published Caradoc Evans's story collection My People, a work that provoked outrage for its depiction of Welsh society.

Anicia Juliana

The frontispiece features her depiction, the first donor portrait in the history of manuscript illumination, flanked by the personifications of Magnanimity and Prudence, with an allegory of the "Gratitude of the Arts" prostrate in front of her.

Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam

Next to classic feature films as The Fountainhead and Blade Runner or documentaries about architects as Louis Kahn or Frank Gehry, films are screened about the influence of media on the city, the depiction of cities in film and outstanding set design such as in Silent Running.


M. C. Escher's first depiction of Atrani was his early and realistic work Atrani, Coast of Amalfi, a lithograph first printed in August 1931.

Barbados Cricket Buckle

In the first chapter of his book "Muscular Learning", Professor Clem Seecharan reflects at some length on the importance of the Barbados Cricket Buckle recognising that its depiction on a Barbados postage stamp on the 60th anniversary of West Indies cricket was appropriate given cricket’s role as a “political instrument” from slavery through emancipation to independence.

Battle of Cowpens

The Alan Alda directed movie, Sweet Liberty, parodies how a film company takes great liberty with the depiction of the Battle of Cowpens.

Battle of Las Guasimas

The Colt Rapid Firing guns seen in the movie's depiction of the battle were never used in the actual fight as the mules that hauled the disassembled weapons, bolted with the first Spanish fire dumping the guns on the ground and temporarily jamming their firing mechanisms beyond easy field repair.

Boško Radonjić

In the 1998 made-for-TV movie Witness to the Mob, a very loose depiction of the life of Sammy the Bull, Radonjich is played by Stephen Payne.

C Painter

It bears the earliest known depiction of the death of Astyanax.

Camden Riversharks

The Riversharks logo, introduced in 2005 with a new ownership group, consists of a shark biting a baseball bat superimposed over a stylized depiction of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge.

Cardinal virtues

A humorous depiction of the four cardinal virtues appears in the children's book "Masterpiece" written by Elise Broach and illustrated by Kelly Murphy.

Chicago: City on the Make

Unrivaled in its depiction of Chicago's downtrodden, the essay recounts the repeated ways Chicago sells out its dreams and disappoints its dreamers, including the 1919 Black Sox scandal, in which eight Chicago White Sox players were accused of accepting bribes to throw the world series.

El Salón México

The work is a musical depiction of an eponymous dance hall in Mexico City and even carries the subtitle, "A Popular Type Dance Hall in Mexico City." Copland began the work in 1932 and completed it in 1936.

Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire

The Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire, written by Matthew Bunson in 1994 and published by Facts on File, is a detailed depiction of the history of the Roman Empire.


The cover image features an abstract depiction of Fallingwater, a house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.


The album is notable for the lengthy track "McGoohan's Blues", which Harper states was "inspired by actor Patrick McGoohan's depiction of the establishment rebel in his TV series, The Prisoner".


251, Haarlem Gradual of 1494, depiction of Saint Gudula bearing a lantern which the demon endeavors to extinguish

Harenchi Gakuen

For the depiction of breasts, he took particular inspiration from the Venus de Milo.


Pixar's Up contains a depiction of infertility in an extended life montage that lasts the first few minutes of the film.

John Tauranac

Tauranac wrote the guidebooks for the Culture Bus Loops operated by New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority as a freelance project for the Municipal Art Society (1973, 1974), whereupon he was hired by the MTA to write and edit “Seeing New York: The Official MTA Travel Guide,” which included a depiction of the subway in a geographic light (1976).

Kassandra Painter

His conventional name is derived from a depiction of Kassandra on one of his cups.


It is the birthplace of the Kishangarh style of painting, which is known for the beautiful depiction of a courtesan known as Bani Thani.


In 2010, the town's Coronation Park area received international exposure for the depiction of Afrikaner poverty by Finbarr O'Reilly.

La pulce d'acqua

"Ballo in Fa Diesis Minore" is based on Ingmar Bergman The Seventh Seal in which a man defies the personification of Death (lyrics are taken from an inscription of a Danse Macabre depiction at Clusone, near Bergamo); the melody is inspired by "Schiarazula Marazula", a medieval northern Italian theme which accompanied exorcism rites and which was collected by Giorgio Mainerio in his Primo libro de' balli (1578).

Mardi Gras in the United States

In 1926, Ferde Grofe wrote an orchestral cycle called the Mississippi Suite, the last movement featuring a musical depiction of Mardi Gras in the French Quarter.

Marton Varo

The facade of the Ave Maria Oratory church features Váró's 30-foot-tall sculpture of the Annunciation, depicting the Archangel Gabriel greeting the Virgin Mary with the words "Ave Maria" (Hail Mary), with his smaller depiction of Christ the Good Shepherd featured inside.

Marvel Rating System

This was precipitated by the CCA refusing approval of the seal due to the strong depiction of violence in X-Force #116, a comic written by Peter Milligan and drawn by Mike Allred.

Mauro Conconi

He painted canvases depicting San Vincenzo de Paoli, Parisina, Cristoforo Colombo (Columbus), Byron, a depiction of The Prisoner of Chillon from Byron's poem, Galileo Galilei, Camoens, The Surprised Bather, and the Ultimate Riches.

Monkey High!

Theron Martin at Anime News Network comments on the author's depiction of both the male and female lead having the same height.


Its release caused controversy in India because its depiction of the protagonist seeing ghosts after receiving a corneal transplant was similar to existing fears in India surrounding corneal transplants and it was feared the film would discourage people from donating corneas or seeking corneal transplants.

New Jersey Folk Festival

In the Bayeux Tapestry of the 1070s, originally of the Bayeux Cathedral (Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Bayeux) and now exhibited at Musée de la Tapisserie de Bayeux in Bayeux, Normandy, there is a depiction of a man installing a cock on Westminster Abbey.

Nikitsky Boulevard

This monument by sculptor Nikolay Andreyev depicted Gogol in a state of depression and originally (from 1909) stood on the northern tip of Gogolevsky Boulevard but, apparently due to Stalin's dislike of this depiction, was relocated in 1951 to its current place.

No Resting Place

Monthly Film Bulletin praised the authenticity of its depiction of tinker life, while finding the figure of the pursuing civil guard Mannigan to be less convincing.

Olaus Magnus

It included a map of Northern Europe with a map of Scandinavia, which was rediscovered by Oscar Brenner in 1886 in the München state library and shown to be the most accurate depiction of its time.

Planet Stories

The two writers most identified with Planet Stories are Leigh Brackett and Ray Bradbury, both of whom set many of their stories on a romanticized version of Mars that owed much to the depiction of Barsoom in the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Pseudo-Chalkidian vase painting

There is a single depiction of a chariot race, as well as one amphora with Odysseus and Kirke.

Public defender

The depiction of the public defender in film runs the gamut from the sleazy Ned Racine in Lawrence Kasden's 1981 neo-noir film Body Heat, to the honorable Atticus Finch from the 1962 adaptation of Harper Lee's classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird.

Religious Procession in Kursk Province

Apart from Leo Tolstoy, who praised the painting and regarded it as neutral in its depiction of the social system, all were agreed that it was hostile to the established social order.

Sex and nudity in video games

The games were noted for their negative reception, particularly Custer's Revenge for its depiction of (what was perceived as) General Custer raping Native American women.

The First Kangaroos

The First Kangaroos drew complaints from the Granddaughter of British rugby league legend Albert Goldthorpe for its villainous depiction of him.

The Red Horse

The novel begins in late Spring 1940 in the town of Nomana (a literary depiction of Corti's hometown Besana in Brianza) where the inhabitants live on agriculture, farming, or work in the textile mill owned by the local industrialist Gerardo Riva, Ambrogio's father.

The Road to Glory

The Road to Glory is a 1936 dramatic film depiction of World War I trench warfare in France directed by Howard Hawks, starring Fredric March, Warner Baxter, Lionel Barrymore and June Lang, and produced by Twentieth Century Fox.

True History

...True History may properly be regarded as SF because Lucian often achieves that sense of "cognitive estrangement" which Darko Suvin has defined as the generic distinction of SF, that is, the depiction of an alternate world, radically unlike our own, but relatable to it in terms of significant knowledge.

see also