
unusual facts about Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht, BWV 134a

Agostino von Hassell

Published in Die Zeit (Germany), Interviu (Spain), Marine Corps Gazette, Proceedings, Amphibious Warfare Review, Naval Proceedings, Defense News, and The Navy Times.

Armin Mohler

In the 1950s Mohler contributed to journals such as Nation Europa and Die Tat (not to be confused with an older paper of the same title), whilst also writing for mainstream newspapers such as Die Zeit and (in the 1960s and 1970s) Die Welt.

Axel Meyer

He has written more than 45 articles for major German newspapers including Die Zeit and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

Bucerius Law School

Bucerius Law School was founded in 2000 by one of Germany's largest foundations, ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius following the model of law schools in the United States, and bearing the name of Gerd Bucerius, a noted German judge, attorney, journalist, politician and founding publisher of Germany's leading weekly newspaper, Die Zeit.

CHE ranking

Since 2005 it has been published by the German weekly newspaper Die Zeit.

Die Zeit

The publishing house, Zeitverlag Gerd Bucerius in Hamburg, is owned by the Georg von Holtzbrinck Publishing Group and Dieter von Holtzbrinck Media.

She became publisher of Die Zeit from 1972 until her death in 2002, together from 1983 onwards with former German chancellor Helmut Schmidt, later joined by Josef Joffe and former German federal secretary of culture Michael Naumann.

Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht, BWV 134a

139 – Congratulatory and Hommage Cantatas, conductor Helmuth Rilling, Gächinger Kantorei, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart, Ingeborg Danz, Marcus Ullmann, Hänssler 2000

Diedrich Diederichsen

Newspapers and magazines with contributions by Diedrich Diederichsen include Texte zur Kunst, Die Zeit, die tageszeitung, Der Tagesspiegel, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Theater heute, Artscribe, Artforum, and Frieze.

Gore Effect

A gloss of Harald Martenstein in the German weekly Die Zeit describes the effect as "Gore's personal climate disaster".

Hisako Matsubara

She had a weekly column at the German newspaper "Die Zeit" and worked on documentaries of the major German TV stations ARD and ZDF.

Krista Tippett

In 1984, she went to divided Berlin as a stringer for The New York Times and established herself there as a freelance foreign correspondent—reporting and writing in those years for The Times, Newsweek, the BBC, the International Herald Tribune, and Die Zeit.


Ms. Dönhoff, who had been active in the conspiracy against Hitler, eventually became publisher of the liberal weekly Die Zeit.


Theo Sommer, then publisher of Die Zeit, was one of the first to use the term 'German core culture', as part of a debate about the assimilation of immigrants in Germany, and national core values: "Integration necessarily implies a far-reaching assimilation onto the German guiding culture and its core values" („Der Kopf zählt, nicht das Tuch“, Zeit 30/1998).

Leonard Freed

Publications to which Freed contributed over the years included Der Spiegel, Die Zeit, Fortune, Libération, Life, Look, Paris-Match, Stern, and The Sunday Times Magazine of London.

Nadine Angerer

Angerer told the German newspaper Die Zeit in December 2010 that she does not discriminate on grounds of gender when considering personal relationships.

Paul Carell

He worked as a freelance author under various noms de plume for newspapers such as Die Welt and Die Zeit (e.g., as P. C. Holm).

Paul Michael Lützeler

He also writes for German newspapers and magazines like Die Zeit, the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Die Welt, Frankfurter Rundschau, the Neue Rundschau and the Merkur.

Peter R. Hofstätter

He wrote thirteen books and was a columnist for the newspaper Hamburger Abendblatt and the newspaper Die Zeit.

Reiner Stach

1991: Winner of a writing competition initiated by Botho Strauß in Die Zeit on Hans Henny Jahnn's Fluss ohne Ufer (River Without Banks), for his essay "Die fressende Schöpfung. Über Hans Henny Jahnns Romantrilogie Fluss ohne Ufer" ("The carnivorous creation. About Hans Henny Jahnns trilogy Shoreless River")

Reinhard Merkel

Between 1988 and 1990 he was editor of the newspaper Die Zeit.


Tame is mainly used by journalists (e.g. ZDF, ARD, Die Zeit), politicians, PR and marketing experts as well as NGOs.

Theo Sommer

He has been at Die Zeit since 1958, rising to Editor-in-Chief and Publisher.

Thomas Limberger

The Financial Times Deutschland followed up with a portrait entitled “Zack, Zack” and shortly afterwards Die Zeit referred to him as a successful but somewhat different “Whirlwind”.

Thomas von Randow

Thomas von Randow (26 December 1921 Breslau, Schlesien – 29 July 2009 Hamburg) was a German mathematician and journalist who published mathematical and logical puzzles under the pseudonym Zweistein in the "Logelei" column in Die Zeit.

Witten/Herdecke University

Rankings by major German Newspapers such as Die Zeit, Der Spiegel, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung as well as the CHE University Ranking, the only comprehensive ranking for German Universities, acknowledge the excellent study conditions as well as very good career prospects for students from Witten/Herdecke University.


The agency works for all the major German magazines such as Stern, Focus, GEO and Die Zeit as well as for international newspapers and magazines.

see also