The grassland habitat is home to a regionally important colony of dingy and grizzled skipper butterflies.
This well camouflaged, brown and grey butterfly can be confused with the Grizzled Skipper, the Mother Shipton Moth or the Burnet Companion Moth.
Grizzled Skipper | Small Skipper | skipper | Dingy Skipper | Skipper (butterfly) | Keith Skipper | Wayde Skipper | the Skipper | Susan Skipper | small skipper | Skipper Wise | skipper (boating) | Olive Skipper | Large Grizzled Skipper | Dream Skipper | Carline Skipper | Barry Skipper | Alpine Grizzled Skipper |
Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Duke of Burgundy Fritillary, Marbled White, Dingy Skipper and Grayling are just some of species that inhabit the national park.