United States Environmental Protection Agency | personal computer | Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act | Digital data | Array data structure | Electronic Data Systems | Data General | Personal Computer | Protection from Harassment Act 1997 | Data East | data center | U.S. Customs and Border Protection | Personal digital assistant | data | Control Data Corporation | Radio Data System | Personal flotation device | IBM Personal Computer | Habitats Directive | Cosmos: A Personal Voyage | Automatic Data Processing | Australian Customs and Border Protection Service | Special Protection Area | Protein Data Bank | Personal protective equipment | Personal identification number | Firearm Owners Protection Act | data compression | Data | World Society for the Protection of Animals |
All other countries of the European Union and the European Economic Area have equivalent officials created under their versions of Directive 95/46.
US-EU Safe Harbor is a streamlined process for US companies to comply with the EU Directive 95/46/EC on the protection of personal data.