
unusual facts about Dirichlet's test

Dirichlet's test

In turn, B k(a k - a {k+1})"?title=Comparison test">Comparison test.


In Molisch's test, 1-naphthol dissolved in ethanol, known as Molisch's reagent, is used as reagent for detecting the presence of carbohydrates.

Christen Thomsen Barfoed

Christen Thomsen Barfoed (June 16, 1815 – April 30, 1899) was a Danish chemist who devised a way to detect monosaccharide sugars in a solution, now known as the Barfoed's test.

Cochran's test

Cochran's Q test, a non-parametric test that is applied to the analysis of two-way randomized block designs with a binary response variable.

Copeland–Erdős constant

The constant is irrational; this can be proven with Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions or Bertrand's postulate (Hardy and Wright, p. 113) or Ramare's theorem that every even integer is a sum of at most six primes.

Dirichlet-multinomial distribution

It is also called the Dirichlet compound multinomial distribution (DCM) or multivariate Pólya distribution (after George Pólya).

Dirichlet's theorem

Dirichlet's theorem may refer to any of several mathematical theorems due to Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet.

Gerard Washnitzer

Washnitzer studied at Princeton University under Emil Artin and in 1950 received a Ph.D. (A Dirichlet Principle for analytic functions of several complex variables) under the supervision of Salomon Bochner.

Levene's test

Brown and Forsythe performed Monte Carlo studies that indicated that using the trimmed mean performed best when the underlying data followed a Cauchy distribution (a heavy-tailed distribution) and the median performed best when the underlying data followed a Chi-squared distribution with four degrees of freedom (a heavily skewed distribution).

Manfred Bial

Manfred Bial (1869–1908) was a German physician who invented a test for pentoses using orcinol, now known as Bial's test.

Rado graph

Then, for any sets U and V, by the Chinese remainder theorem, the numbers that are quadratic resides modulo every prime in U and nonresidues modulo every prime in V form a periodic sequence, so by Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions this number-theoretic graph has the extension property.

Tukey's test

Tukey's range test, also called Tukey method, Tukey's honest significance test, Tukey's HSD (Honestly Significant Difference) test

Vorlesungen über Zahlentheorie

Dirichlet does not explicitly recognise the concept of the group that is central to modern algebra, but many of his proofs show an implicit understanding of group theory.

see also