
6 unusual facts about Dispatched


After some changes of studio dates, Dispatched finally recorded four songs in Studio Titan in September 1997, later to be released as Returned to Your Mind.

Until then, Exhumed Productions had only released four of the eleven songs as a 7" EP entitled Awaiting the End.

However, by the end of 1995 Fredrik Larsson joined the band and they started to rehearse again.

Despite their break-up, many of Dispatched's fans requested a release of the band's last unreleased album, Terrorizer: The Last Chapter..., and a deal was made in 2003 to release this recording under Medusa Productions.

Now with a whole album, entitled Motherwar, they sent out a few copies to various record companies again to see the reaction.

Terrorizer: The Last Chapter...

Terrorizer: The Last Chapter... is the second album by Dispatched.


Dispatched |

Battle of Fort Cumberland

Commodore Sir George Collier had previously dispatched the HMS Vulture into the Bay of Fundy on rumors of privateering activity there, so he ordered the HMS Hope to locate the Vulture so that she could assist.

Battle of Rutherford's Farm

Ramseur's division arrived at Winchester the morning of July 20, whereupon he dispatched his cavalry under John C. Vaughn and William L. Jackson to Carter's Farm north of town to scout the enemy's position.

Bayan of the Baarin

Kublai dispatched his favorite son Nomukhan, another son Kokhcu, Mongke's son Shiregi (Xi-li-jie) and Muqali's grandson An-tong against Haidu, the grandson of Ögedei Khan to Almaligh in 1275.

Capture of St. Lucia

On that same day, Commodore William Hotham was dispatched from Sandy Hook, New York, to reinforce the British fleet in the West Indies.

Chinese cruiser Chaoyong

As relations between China and the Empire of Japan became increasing strained over Korea, both vessels were dispatched to Incheon in a show of force.

Claude-Henri Belgrand de Vaubois

Nelson dispatched British forces under the command of Captain Alexander Ball, who arrived on October 12, 1798.

Destroy All Monsters

The three-headed space monster is dispatched to protect the alien stronghold at Mt. Fuji, and battles Godzilla, Minilla, Mothra, Rodan, Gorosaurus, Anguirus, and Kumonga (Manda, Baragon and an unnamed Varan are also present but do not take part in the battle).

Duke Kang of Qin

Jin dispatched an army to repel Qin, and the two forces met at nearby Hequ (河曲, present-day Fenglingdu, Ruicheng County), but both retreated without engaging in battle.

Effects of Hurricane Charley in North Carolina

Governor Mike Easley declared a state of emergency in advance of the storm, and 200 National Guard troops were dispatched to Charlotte, Raleigh, Kinston and Lumerton, while 800 more were on standby.

Epidemic Intelligence Service

Persons participating in the program, popularly called "disease detectives", are called "EIS Officers" by the CDC and have been dispatched to investigate possible epidemics, due to both natural and artificial causes, including anthrax, hantavirus, and West Nile virus in the United States and Ebola in Uganda and Zaire.

Flavius Salia

Constans dispatched him after the Council of Sardica, along with two bishops, Vincentius of Capua and Euphrates of Cologne, to the court of his brother, Constantius II at Antioch, with a letter from Constans demanding that Constantius restore the Patriarch of Alexandria Athanasius to his see.

Fu Daqing

In June 1941 he was dispatched by the Central Committee to Beiping to engage in propaganda activities and underground communication with the Comintern.

German aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin

Nine Royal Air Force Avro Lancaster heavy bombers from 106 Squadron were dispatched against her, each one carrying a single "Capital Ship" bomb, a 5,500 lb device with a shaped charge warhead intended for armored targets.

Henry A. G. Lee

In December 1847 when word of the attack reached the Willamette Valley, the Provisional Government and Gov. George Abernethy called for volunteers to fight against the Cayuse, with Lee volunteering and being selected as captain of a 50 man unit to be dispatched immediately to The Dalles.

Ibn Selim el-Aswani

He was dispatched to the court of Georgios II by the Egyptian General Jawhar on behalf of the Caliph to demand the resumption of the baqt payments and to encourage the Makurians to convert to Islam.


When Muhammad II of Khwarezm executed the merchants dispatched by the Mongols, Genghis Khan declared war on Khwārazm-Shāh dynasty in 1219.

James Harrod

Just as Harrod's men had completed the settlement's first structures, Dunmore dispatched Daniel Boone to call them back from the frontier and into military service against the Indians in Lord Dunmore's War.

Japanese air attacks on the Mariana Islands

Nimitz ordered a major attack on Iwo Jima following the raids of November 27 and dispatched Lieutenant General Millard Harmon, the commander of Army Air Forces in the Pacific Ocean Areas, from Hawaii to Saipan to oversee this operation.

Japanese cruiser Yodo

In November 1911, Yodowas dispatched to Bangkok, Siam as part of the Japanese naval delegation attending the coronation ceremonies for King Rama VI of Thailand.

John Shrimpton

In 1704, when the Garrison at Gibraltar came under threat from the French, a force of 2,500 troops under Shrimpton's command was dispatched to re-inforce the Garrison.

Josef Christiaens

a squad of Royal Engineers soldiers were dispatched to assemble and test the Bristol Boxkite.

Laxdale Hall

A British parliamentary delegation is dispatched to the Scottish Highlands where the residents are protesting at their poor links with the outside world.

Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen

In October 1917 Colonel Brice P. Disque was dispatched to the Pacific Northwest to investigate the reasons behind what was deemed an inadequate supply of spruce for the Division of Military Aeronautics of the War Department.


To restore order, authorities blacked out Masan and General Carter B. Magruder eventually dispatched US Marines to quell the unrest.

MV Nimbin

The steamer Arakoon which had been loaded a quantity of salvage gear and had dispatched from Sydney late on the Monday night to assist the Nimbin was advised the same morning that the Nimbin was refloated by a message sent from the lighthouse-keeper at Seal Rocks.

Nikola Bošković

Nikola came to Dubrovnik as a boy and his parents sent him to become a trader's apprentice for a wealthy trader called Rad Gleđević, who then dispatched him to Novi Pazar in the Ottoman Empire (today Sandžak, Serbia) to learn from the local traders.

Ninian Edwards

Edwards dispatched the militia and ordered 600 more men to be recruited in Sangamon County.


Safe in the confluence, Ganga dispatched two salmon upriver; the fish swam until they found Vamana, and they entreated the dwarf god to come to Ganga’s aid.

Nobuyoshi Mutō

He returned to administrative positions in Japan from 1919–1921, before being appointed commander of the IJA 3rd Division in 1921 and being dispatched to Russia during the Siberian Expedition against the Bolshevik Red Army.


In 1260, the civil war broke out in the Mongol Empire with the death of Möngke, and his brother Ariq Böke dispatched Alghu to Beshbalik to consolidate his power.

Patrick J. Hurley

Hurley received a promotion to brigadier general in 1941 when the United States entered World War II, and General George C. Marshall dispatched him to the Far East as a personal representative to examine the feasibility of relieving American troops besieged on the island of Bataan.

Patrimonium Sancti Petri

Pepin in turn sent Abbot Droctegang of Jumièges to confer with the pope, and a little later dispatched Duke Autchar and Bishop Chrodengang of Metz to conduct the pope to the Frankish realm.

Pickardstown ambush

An attack was made on the RIC barracks in the town, and the British military garrison in Waterford City quickly dispatched forty troops in four Crossley tenders.

Pola Flotilla

The flotilla was made up of U-boats dispatched from German home ports, which travelled via the Atlantic and the Strait of Gibraltar, and coastal type UB- and UC- boats, which were moved in parts by rail to Pola and assembled there at the See-Arsenal of the Austro-Hungarian Navy (Kaiserliche und Königliche Kriegsmarine: KuK).

Puning Temple

The later Qianlong Emperor dispatched an army to Yili in order to suppress their resistance against the Qing Dynasty.

R. v. Perka

A call went the Canadian Forces which dispatched the destroyer HMCS Qu'Appelle.

Reigart Bolivar Lowry

Early on May 24, 1861, as a force of federal troops from Washington D.C. approached by land and by gunboat, the captain of Pawnee, Stephen C. Rowan, acting without orders, dispatched Lieutenant Lowry to find the Confederate commander Colonel George H. Terrett and to demand his surrender.

Servando Bayo

Following orders of the British consul in Buenos Aires, a British ship was dispatched from Montevideo up the Paraná River to threaten the use of force against this harm to the kingdom's commercial interests.

Skirmish at Miskel Farm

Upon learning the news, Taggart immediately dispatched Captain Henry C. Flint and five companies of the 1st Vermont Cavalry to kill or capture the Rangers.

South African Light Horse

The relief effort was dispatched from Cape Town under the command of General Sir Redvers Buller and by early December 1899 this 20,000 strong relieving army was arriving just south of the river Tugela.

SS Panzer Brigade Gross

They were dispatched back to Durbe in Latvia in mid-September and were in constant contact with the Soviet forces.

Steven Borough

In 1553 he took part in the expedition which was dispatched from the Thames under Sir Hugh Willoughby to look for a northern passage to Cathay and India, serving as master of the Edward Bonaventure, on which Richard Chancellor sailed as pilot in chief.


In November, 1768 an army of ten thousand soldiers led by Kirtichandra Borbarua was dispatched this time via Raha and the Kachari kingdom accompanied by Jai Singh.

The Berlin File

Confronting the possibility of a double agent within Berlin's North Korean embassy where his wife Ryun Jung-hee (Jeon Ji-hyun) is a translator, Pyo discovers that Pyongyang security authorities have dispatched ruthless fixer Dong Myung-soo (Ryoo Seung-bum) to sort out potentially conflicting loyalties at the consulate.

White flag

Its use may have expanded across continents, e.g. Portuguese chronicler Gaspar Correia (writing in the 1550s), claims that in 1502, an Indian prince, the Zamorin of Calicut, dispatched negotiators bearing a "white cloth tied to a stick", "as a sign of peace", to his enemy Vasco da Gama.

William Maitland of Lethington

The Regent called on the military assistance of Queen Elizabeth I of England, who dispatched Sir William Drury from Berwick-upon-Tweed with a formidable train of artillery to assist in reducing the castle.

Yoon Jang-ho

Yoon Jang-ho (Hangul: 윤장호; Hanja: 尹章豪; September 21, 1980 – February 27, 2007) was a staff sergeant (posthumous) serving as an English translator in Afghanistan as a member of the Task Force Dasan, a dispatched engineering unit of the Republic of Korea Army.

see also