
unusual facts about Documents

2011 Iranian embezzlement scandal

3,000 billion Toman embezzlement in Iran (also 2,800 billion embezzlement, approximately $2.6 billion USD) was a fraud involving the use of forged documents to obtain credit from at least seven Iranian state and private banks to purchase state-owned companies.

5 Fingers

He would photograph top-secret documents and turn the films over to Franz von Papen, the former German chancellor, at that time German ambassador in Ankara, via the intermediary Moyzisch, a commercial attaché at the embassy.

Actes et documents du Saint Siège relatifs à la Seconde Guerre Mondiale

Actes et Documents du Saint Siège relatifs à la Seconde Guerre Mondiale (French for Acts and Documents of the Holy See related to the Second World War), often abbreviated Actes or ADSS, is an eleven-volume collection of documents from the Vatican historical archives, related to the papacy of Pope Pius XII during World War II.


the Benedictine editors of the Histoire littéraire de la France call it "one of the finest literary documents of the period."

Age fraud in association football

One of the best known examples of a player falsifying documentations is Cameroon's international football defender Tobie Mimboe who held several documents during the course of his career that indicated he became younger as time went by.

Albert Henry Loeb

In 1895, Sears Roebuck and Co. became a client of Loeb & Adler when Aaron Nusbaum and Richard Warren Sears retained the firm to draft reorganization documents whereby Nusbaum and Julius Rosenwald became owners of Sears.

Archaeology in Ontario

Acts such as the Ontario Heritage Act and Environmental Assessment Act provide the major legal documents that protect heritage and cultural resources.


Bodzentyn (or Bodzentin, as it used to be called in documents) was founded in 1355 near the location of the ancient town of Tarczek, which belonged to the bishops of Kraków.

Coingate scandal

However, after two weeks, Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro had released only 3 of the 120 boxes of documents.

David Gestetner

David Gestetner (March 20, 1854, Csorna, Hungary – March 8, 1939, London) was the inventor of the Gestetner stencil duplicator, the first piece of office equipment that allowed production of numerous copies of documents quickly and inexpensively.

Edward Everett

A new British administration, friendlier to the United States than the previous one, sent Lord Ashburton to Washington to negotiate directly with Webster, and Everett's role was reduced to acquiring documents from British records, and pressing the American case to the Foreign Office.

Enemy of the state

Leaker of U.S. diplomatic cables Chelsea Manning was charged with (but ultimately acquitted of) "communicating with the enemy," implying that U.S. military prosecutors considered WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, to whom Manning leaked the documents, an enemy of the US government.

Erdut Castle

The documents of the 15th century in Titel provost and the Bánffy family owned estate is mentioned in the Erdődy, dated 1552 and 1687 between the Turkish occupations.

Ethel Gee

She thus handled top secret documents on Britain's underwater warfare work and HMS Dreadnought, the Royal Navy's first nuclear submarine.

Federal Farmer

The Federal Farmer was an Anti-Federalist who wrote a methodical assessment of the proposed United States Constitution that was among the more important documents of the constitutional ratification debate.

Future Wars

Thanks to the documents the hero was carrying, they determined that the third bomb was planted in the Cretaceous period.

Gerhard Steinke

standards (OIRT, ITU-R, and EBU) and documents (SSF, AES) on listening tests and test rooms.

Henry Flynt

Kristine Stiles & Peter Selz, Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art: A Sourcebook of Artists' Writings (Second Edition, Revised and Expanded by Kristine Stiles) University of California Press 2012, reprinting of Henry Flynt, Concept Art (1961) pp.

His Big White Self

The film also documents some particularly noteworthy events which all occurred in the run up to the ending of Apartheid and the South African general election, 1994.

Information set

XML Information Set or Infoset, a W3C specification dealing with XML documents

Jewish Historical Museum, Belgrade

The Jewish Historical Museum has published numerous books including "Studije i gradja o Jevrejima Dubrovnika" which contains studies and documents related to Jews who lived in Dubrovnik.

Konrad VI the Dean

After an analysis of Konrad VI's titles and documents is assumed that he held the power directly over half of Ścinawa, Wołów and Lubiąż.

Leonard Costello

A collection of documents relating to the case has been deposited in the library of the University of Exeter.

Louis-Joseph Lebret

He was involved with the drafting the documents Gaudium et Spes, an influential voice in the crafting of Populorum Progressio and a founder of the Économie et Humanisme (Economy and Humanism) movement.

Louise DeSalvo

She has edited editions of Woolf's first novel Melymbrosia, as well as The Letters of Vita Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf, which documents the controversial lesbian affair between these two novelists.


Apicius documents it as a spicy, smoked beef or pork sausage originally from Lucania; according to Cicero and Martial, it was brought by Roman troops or slaves from Lucania.

Łowkowice, Krapkowice County

The village had already invested in German town law in the early 13th century, and was first mentioned in written documents as Lofcovici in 1218.

Mariology of the popes

For a list of relevant Vatican documents, please see Marian papal encyclicals and Apostolic Letters.

Martin Gerbert

Between 1754 and 1764 he published a series of theological treatises, their main tendency being to modify the rigid scholastic system by an appeal to the Fathers, notably Augustine; from 1759 to 1762 he travelled in Germany, Italy and France, mainly with a view to examining the collections of documents in the various monastic libraries.

Max Montgelas

The previous year he and Professor Walther Schucking had edited The Outbreak of the World War - German Documents collected by Karl Kautsky (commonly known as the Kautsky Documents) which were published by the Oxford University Press.

Methland: The Death and Life of an American Small Town

Methland: The Death and Life of an American Small Town is a book by Nick Reding which documents the drug culture of Oelwein, Iowa and how it ties into larger issues of rural flight and small town economic decline placed in the historic context of the drug trade, particularly the manufacture and consumption of methamphetamine.

Montague, Massachusetts

Montague has claimed to be the location of a maple tree that inspired poet Joyce Kilmer (1886–1918) to write the popular 1913 poem "Trees", however family accounts and documents establish the poem was written in Mahwah, New Jersey.


The museum hosts an exhibition about famous polar expeditions and displays many items, e.g. the balloon gondola from S.A. Andrée's fateful expedition and material from the John Phipps expedition to Svalbard around 1770, as well as several documents that refer to the Norwegian explorers Fridtjof Nansen and Roald Amundsen.

Nubar Alexanian

This work, five years in the making, documents the creative processes of twenty-five musicians including Wynton Marsalis, Philip Glass, Emmylou Harris, and Paul Simon, among others.

Pavle Orlović

There exists documents in the archive of Dubrovnik which mention that Kosovo hero and barjaktar (flag bearer) Pavle Orlović lived below the sheer mount of Orlin in the end of a village below which the neighbouring village of Čarađe lied.

Ramón Rodríguez Chacín

The source for these documents was allegedly a 2008 cross-border raid by Colombian military into Ecuador which destroyed a FARC camp.

Rudolf Rahn

In the early 1970s Rahn sent a letter to Robert A. Graham, one of the editors of the Acts and Documents of the Holy See related to the Second World War, which was published in 1991 by the Italian magazine 30 Giorni, stating that a German plot to kidnap Pope Pius XII had existed, but that all documents relating to it had been destroyed or lost.

S Club Search

S Club Search is a CBBC reality television show that documents the audition process and formation for the pop group S Club Juniors in 2001.

Scientology in the United States

Among these documents was a plan to frame Gabe Cazares, the mayor of the city of Clearwater, Florida, with a staged hit-and-run accident; plans to discredit the skeptical organization CSICOP by spreading rumors that it was a front for the CIA; and a project called "Operation Freakout," aimed at ruining the life of author Paulette Cooper, author of an early book critical of the movement, The Scandal of Scientology.

Serafima Meletieva

Some documents of a personal nature, and books are available in the archives of the Abbess' Christian Russia in Seriate, Italy.

Sveti Jošt nad Kranjem

St. Judoc's Church was first mentioned in documents relating to the bequest of land by Emperor Otto II to the Bishops of Freising in 973.

Tscherim Soobzokov

In 2006, declassified documents of the Central Intelligence Agency confirmed that Soobzokov had been a CIA agent in Jordan and that the agency had misled the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service on Soobzokov's Nazi past.

Tyler Kent

With a position that required him to encode and decode sensitive telegrams, Kent had access to a wide range of secret documents, especially the communications between Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt, and he began to take many of the more interesting ones home with him.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 10

United Nations Security Council Resolution 10, adopted on November 4, 1946, determined that the Franco regime in Spain no longer warranted the continuous observation of the Council and turned over all related documents to the General Assembly.

Walton, Somerset

There is no evidence in the parish registers or other documents pertaining to Walton to support the popular notion the family of William Henry Smith the founder of W H Smith came from Walton.

Wesley Critz George

George's activities in I. Beverly Lake's unsuccessful campaign for North Carolina governor are reflected in documents dated 1958 - 1960.

Whaling in Norway

According to documents released by WikiLeaks, US president Barack Obama, who promised to oppose whaling during his presidential campaign, used diplomatic channels to put pressure on Norway during his visit for the conferment of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.


Interfacing the voice and visual components of X+V documents is accomplished through a combination of ECMAScript, JavaScript, and XML Events.

Yagutil Mishiev

From 1943 to 1951, he actively helped the board of the municipality of Kuba, Azerbaijan to prepare documents to award a medal to those who worked on the labor front of World War II.


They were featured in a chapter of Karl Taro Greenfeld's novel Speed Tribes that documents the writer's time spent with the band and the events that nearly caused their break up.

see also