
3 unusual facts about Dohuk Governorate

Kirkuk–Ceyhan Oil Pipeline

Iraq is considering building a new Kirkuk–Ceyhan pipeline through Arbil and Dahuk governorates to bypass attack-prone areas.

Provincial Iraqi Control

As of October 2008, thirteen provinces had successfully completed transition to provincial Iraqi control: al Muthanna, Dhi Qar, Najaf, Maysan, Dahuk, Arbil, Sulaymaniyah, Karbala, Basra, Al-Qadisiyah, Al-Anbar, Babil and Wasit.

Ray Lee Hunt

In September 2007, Hunt struck an oil deal with the Kurdistan Regional Government in the disputed territories of Ninewa near the Dohuk Governorate with an estimated value of $8 to $14.5 billion.

Amadiya District

Amedi District is one of four districts that make up the Dohuk Governorate in the Iraqi Kurdistan region.

Zakho District

Zakho District is one of four district that make up the Dohuk Governorate in the Iraqi Kurdistan region.

see also