
4 unusual facts about Dominion Stores


Created in the second half of the 1970s to open on original locations, the Héritage banner eventually began to replace some Provigo/Dominion locations in the 1980s after Dominion Stores entirely withdrew from Quebec.

Malcolm Wallace McCutcheon

Together with Edward Plunkett Taylor and Colonel W. Eric Phillips, he was founder of Argus Corporation, an investment company that controlled a variety of businesses including farm machinery and Dominion grocery stores.

Maxwell Meighen

As an Argus director he was also a member of the boards of some of the largest Canadian companies, including Domtar, Massey-Ferguson, Dominion Stores and Hollinger Mines.


In the late 1990s, these stores were rebranded as Dominion Save-A-Centre (Dominion was another Canadian supermarket chain owned by A&P) and some remained in operation, eventually converted to Metro stores by 2009, following Metro's acquisition of A&P's Canadian properties, including Dominion.

John A. McDougald

He was largely responsible for making it one of Canada's dominant business conglomerates that had controlling interest in Dominion Stores, Hollinger Mines, Massey Ferguson, Standard Broadcasting, Crown Trust Company and Domtar.

see also