
2 unusual facts about Dorchester Abbey

Day's Lock

On the eastern bank to the north-east is the historic town of Dorchester with its ancient Abbey.

Dorchester Abbey

In 1993 a Union Jack that had been draped over the coffins of prisoners of war at Batu Lintang camp, Sarawak, Borneo was placed in the abbey together with two wooden memorial plaques; they had formerly been housed at All Saints Church, Oxford.

All Saints Church, Oxford

In 1946 a Union Jack which had been draped over the coffins of prisoners of war at Batu Lintang camp, Sarawak, Borneo was placed in the church together with two wooden memorial plaques; they were later moved to Dorchester Abbey.

Bishop of Oxford

The West Saxon King Cynegils was baptised in the River Thames near the present site of Dorchester Abbey, where the original See was established.

see also