
unusual facts about Drab-breasted Bamboo Tyrant

Pavonine Cuckoo

The details of its breeding biology are little known except for a short list of known host species which incliudes Drab-breasted Bamboo Tyrant, Ochre-faced Tody-Flycatcher, Eared Pygmy Tyrant and Plain Antvireo.

Barclay Manufacturing Company

These were painted similar to figures in American comic books of the time - olive drab uniforms with green helmets with "enemy" soldiers in red uniforms with white helmets.

Drab Hemispingus

The Drab Hemispingus (Hemispingus xanthophthalmus) is a species of bird in the Thraupidae family.

Elizabeth Howard, Duchess of Norfolk

However in 1527 Norfolk took a mistress, Bess Holland, the daughter of his steward, with whom he lived openly at Kenninghall, and whom the Duchess described variously in her letters as a bawd, a drab, and 'a churl's daughter', 'which was but washer of my nursery eight years'.

Manchester Town Hall Extension

Charles Reilly, a contemporary architecture critic, thought the extension was 'dull' and 'drab' while Nikolaus Pevsner considered it was Harris's 'best job'.

Ninja Rabbits

Home of the Underdogs considers Ninja Rabbits to be horrendous due to bad controls, very easy gameplay, drab background palletes, and slow animations.

Sbor národní bezpečnosti

In mid-1987, the olive-drab uniform of Public Security was almost identical to the CSLA uniform, but had red shoulder boards and red trimming on hats distinguished Public Security personnel from military.


In many insects they also are important in camouflage and in displays, especially defensive display, where the tegmina are drab, but cover aposematic displays that that are startling when suddenly uncovered.

Waldridge Fell

Other notable insects include two other moths, Northern Drab, Orthosia opima, and Dingy Shell, Euchoeca nebulata, and a butterfly, the Green Hairstreak, Callophrys rubi.

see also