
unusual facts about tyrant


Such Sicilian tyrants as Gelo, Hiero I, Hiero II, Dionysius the Elder, Dionysius the Younger, and Agathocles maintained lavish courts and became patrons of culture.

2005–06 Thai political crisis

The Democrat party spokesman called Thaksin worse than Saddam Hussein for not protecting the Thai economy from foreigners: "Dictator Saddam, though a brutal tyrant, still fought the superpower for the Iraqi motherland".

289 BC

The tyrant of Syracuse, Agathocles, dies after restoring the Syracusan democracy on his death bed, by stating that he does not want his sons to succeed him as king.

510 BC

Hippias, tyrant of Athens, is expelled by his people with the assistance of Cleomenes, King of Sparta.

Abbas III

Michael Axworthy Sword of Persia: Nader Shah: From Tribal Warlord to Conquering Tyrant (IB Tauris, 2006)

Aretaphila of Cyrene

She then, arranged a marriage of her own daughter to the tyrant's brother, Leander.

Augusto B. Leguía

Augusto B. Leguía is depicted as a tyrant in the 1937 novel Pity the Tyrant by American novelist Hans Otto Storm.

Battle of Chrysas

Agyris, tyrant of Agyrium was a ruthless man, having become rich after killing the leading citizens of Agyrium, commanded 20,000 citizens and many fortresses and was second only to Dionysius in Sicily.

The Battle of Chrysas was a battle fought in 392 BC in the course of the Sicilian Wars, between the Carthaginian army under Mago and a Greek army under Dionysius I, tyrant of Syracuse, who was aided by Agyris, tyrant of the Sicel city of Agyrium.

Congress at the Isthmus of Corinth

Gelon, tyrant of Syracuse wanted high command, but Sparta and Athens refused.


In 295 BC, Croton fell to another Syracusan tyrant, Agathocles.

Cylon of Athens

Cylon, one of the Athenian nobles and a previous victor of the Olympic Games, attempted a coup in 632 BC with support from Megara, where his father-in-law, Theagenes was tyrant.


Cypselus, the son of Eëtion and a disfigured woman named Labda, who was a member of the Bacchiad family, the ruling dynasty, usurped power, became tyrant and expelled the Bacchiadae.


In 385 BC, the Illyrians formed an alliance with the powerful tyrant Dionysius of Syracuse.

Dionysius I of Syracuse

Like Pisistratus, tyrant of Athens, Dionysius was fond of having literary men about him, such as the historian Philistus, the poet Philoxenus, and the philosopher Plato, but treated them in a most arbitrary manner.

Dionysius of Syracuse

Dionysius II of Syracuse, tyrant of Syracuse from 367 BC to 357 BC and again from 346 BC to 344 BC.


Greek historian Plutarch recounts that Periander, the tyrant of Ambracia, asked his "boy", "Aren't you pregnant yet?" in the presence of other people, causing the boy to kill him in revenge for being treated as if effeminate or a woman (Amatorius 768F).


In the time of Agathocles we find Enna for a time subject to that tyrant, but when the Agrigentines under Xenodicus began to proclaim the restoration of the other cities of Sicily to freedom, the Ennaeans were the first to join their standard, and opened their gates to Xenodicus, 309 BC.

Frederik Ludvig Liebenberg

In 1823, he was sent Copenhagen’s most prestigious private school, Borgerdydskolen (Civic Virtue School), whose headmaster, the legendary Michael Nielsen (1776–1846), was said to be a cross between a tyrant and a pedant.


Gelo, tyrant of Gela and Syracuse in the 5th century BC

Girolamo Graziani

It deals with the theme of the dark cruel tyrant, (Oliver Cromwell) and the royalty prophanation (Charles I of England's martyrdom).

Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle

For Pierre Larousse, what the Republic's general had done until the coup of 18 Brumaire was virtuous and glorious, but the coup and the subsequent rule of the consul and emperor were a tyrant's doings.

Greek–Punic Wars

In 315 BC Agathocles, the tyrant of Syracuse, seized the city of Messene, present-day Messina.

Meanwhile Akragas had successfully taken over Sikan and Sicel lands under the tyrant Theron (488-472 BC).

Hamilcar I of Carthage

When Theron of Akragas, father in law of Gelo, deposed the tyrant of Himera in 483 BC, Carthage decided to intervene at the instigation of the tyrant of Rhegion, who was the father-in-law of the deposed tyrant of Himera.


Harmodius and Aristogeiton (died 514 BC), the killers of the Athenian tyrant Hipparchus

Jean-Michel Beysser

He appeared before the Revolutionary Tribunal of Paris and was condemned to death by it on 24 March 1794 (4 germinal year II), as an accomplice of Jacques-René Hébert, Charles Philippe Ronsin, François -Nicolas Vincent, Mazuel, Antoine-François Momoro (all already condemned) in trying to dissolve the national representative assembly and put a tyrant in place over the state.

La Asunción

An interesting display in the museum is a sculpture of the tyrant ruler Loe de Aguierre who had terrorized the islanders during 1561; this event is featured in the picture titled Aguierre, the wrath of God produced by Warner Herzog with Klaus Kinski in the lead role.

Malaysian rock

Since the early millennium, Metalcore became popular in Malaysia as well with renowned underground bands such as Forsaken, Amarah, Dewata, Furion Escalada, Dominator (early), Tyrant (screamo), Dead Eyes Glow, Mad Monsters Attack, Restraint and Love Me Butch (post-hardcore) supporting the local scene.

Moses Dobruška

The new name derived from Junius from the Roman Junii-family that fostered the famous tyrant slayers the Brutus', and Frey being the German transliteration for "liberty".

Nadir Shah's invasion of India

Michael Axworthy, The Sword of Punjab: Nader Shah, from Tribal Warrior to Conquering Tyrant Hardcover 348 pages (26 July 2006) Publisher: I.B. Tauris Language: English ISBN 1-85043-706-8

Nemesis the Warlock

; Tomas de Torquemada: Primary antagonist of the series, a haughty tyrant and fascist human supremacist who rules the Earth with an iron fist and is hellbent on ridding the universe of all alien life.

Nicke Borg

The band was formed in 1987 under the name Tyrant with bassist Tobbe (Tobias Fischer) as lead vocals and guitarist Dregen, guitarist Johan Blomqvist, and drummer Peder Carlsson.


He and Merle's apparent cat (named Googie, code-name Vega), are both members of the "Friends", a group dedicated to resistance of The Tyrant, who leads the FOEs (Forces of Evil).

Pheasant Cuckoo

The precise details of its breeding biology are little known except for a list of known host species including tyrant flycatchers in the genus Myiozetetes, Yellow-olive Flatbill, Eye-ringed Flatbill, Pied Water Tyrant and Barred Antshrike, all of which are sub-oscine passerines.

Polycrates complex

This complex was named after the tyrant Polycrates who, instead of heeding his daughter's prophecy of his impending death, went to visit a treacherous would-be benefactor and was murdered.

Prometheus Bound

That is, how could the playwright who demonstrated such piety toward Zeus in (for example) The Suppliants and Agamemnon be the same playwright who, in Prometheus Bound, inveighs against Zeus for being a violent tyrant?

Rubber Dinosaurs and Wooden Elephants

The book consists of thirteen pieces on various subjects, including writers H. P. Lovecraft (two essays), Robert E. Howard (also two essays), and Edgar Rice Burroughs, actor Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., silent movies, pseudohistory, pseudobibliographica, barbarians real and fictional, the Scopes Trial, the ancient tyrant Dionysius I of Syracuse, and the author himself.

Second Punic War

Hannibal was aided by the fact that Hiero II, the old tyrant of Syracuse and a staunch Roman ally, had died and his successor Hieronymus was discontented with his position in the Roman alliance.

Siena Catholic College

In the project (titled, "Are you going to be my Tyrant?") students used Web sites to read about Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and other dictators, examining their childhoods for similarities that might help explain their characters.


It is probable that it passed under the authority of Agathocles, who drove the historian Timaeus into exile; and some time after this it was subject to a domestic despot of the name of Tyndarion, who was contemporary with Hicetas of Syracuse and Phintias of Agrigentum.

Telesarchus of Samos

After the tyrant Polycrates was killed following talks with the Persians, his secretary Maeandrius seizes power over Samos but attempts to restore a democratic form of government (ἰσονομίη, "rule of equals").

Thomas Erle

In 1686 he hosted a group of conspirators who met at Charborough House to plan the overthrow of "the tyrant race of Stuarts".

Tyrant Eyes

Tyrant Eyes is a metal band from Mörlenbach, Hessen,

Vibo Marina

In the 3rd century BC, Agathocles the tyrant of Syracuse ordered the construction of a harbour where Vibo Marina now stands.

Wishbone's Dog Days of the West

Meanwhile, a sneaky TV reporter tries to make Wanda Gilmore (Angee Hughes) seem as if she's the town tyrant.

Zach Filkins

Filkins shares writing and composing credits on the songs "All Fall Down", "Prodigal", "Say (All I Need)", "Sleep", "Something's Not Right Here", "Stop and Stare", "Tyrant" and "Won't Stop".

see also