It was founded with an endowment from Charles Dyson Perrins, heir to the Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce company, and stands on the north side of South Parks Road in Oxford.
Los Alamos National Laboratory | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Argonne National Laboratory | Brookhaven National Laboratory | Lincoln Laboratory | Applied Physics Laboratory | Cavendish Laboratory | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | Mars Science Laboratory | Idaho National Laboratory | Freeman Dyson | Ballistic Research Laboratory | United States Naval Research Laboratory | National Physical Laboratory | Marine Biological Laboratory | Air Force Research Laboratory | Dyson | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Ronnie Dyson | Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory | Naval Ordnance Laboratory | Michael Eric Dyson | Dyson Heydon | Clarendon Laboratory | Carlsberg Laboratory | The Laboratory of Art and Ideas at Belmar |