Some large engines, such as those from EMD, use a turbocharger with an auxiliary mechanical drive to give better scavenging from low rpm, avoiding this risk.
EMD SW1 | EMD | EMD SW1200 | EMD GP40-2 | EMD SW900 | EMD G16 | EMD F3 | EMD 710 | EMD 567 | EMD SD9 | EMD SD70 series | EMD GP7 | EMD GP40 | EMD GP38 | EMD F-unit | EMD FT | EMD FP7 | EMD FP45 | EMD E5 |
The initial locomotives (originally designated RENFE 1900) were single cab hood unit designs, built at General Motor's La Grange, Illinois factory, as an Iberian gauge variant of the EMD G16 locomotive type, using EMD 567 engines; the construction order was completed under license at the MACOSA factory in Spain, using the same components in a double cab design.