The film starts out in space on a desolate planet where human Charlie McFadden and the shapeshifting bounty hunters Ug and Lee are searching for a vicious, worm-like creature.
Earthworm Jim | earthworm | Earthworm Tractors | Earthworm Jim 2 | world's largest earthworm | Giant Gippsland earthworm | Earthworm |
It is currently the active ingredient in TURF-Cal manufactured by Mallinckrodt, it is one of the few herbicides – used mainly for the control of Poa annua and crabgrass- that hinders earthworm activity.
The RD8 appeared as the 'Earthworm RD8' in the Joe E. Brown movie Earthworm Tractors (1936) with background shots of the Caterpillar factory.
During more than 40 highly productive years as professor and researcher at the University of São Paulo, Righi published over 100 scientific papers, 85 of which treat earthworm taxonomy, 5 treat earthworm physiology, 5 treat earthworm ecology, and 3 treat earthworm biogeography.
Gilberto Righi (1937–1999) was an important earthworm taxonomist from São Paulo, Brazil, who helped define the magnitude of his country's diverse soil fauna.
Latham's Snipe is an omnivorous species that feeds on seeds and other plant material (mainly from species in families such as Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Juncaceae, Polygonaceae, Ranunculaceae and Fabaceae), and on invertebrates including insects (mainly flies and beetles), earthworms, spiders and occasionally molluscs, isopods and centipedes.
Charles gained much useful information from his relatives during the inception of Darwin's theory, and it was at Maer Hall that he first became interested in the effects of earthworms which were the subject of an early paper presented to the Geological Society as well as of his last book.
The Soil and Earthworm Survey was featured on The One Show on the 23rd March 2009 with a piece presented by George McGavin.