
2 unusual facts about Economic sector


Permira specialises in five sectors: Consumer, Financial Services, Healthcare, Industrials and TMT (Technology, Media, Telecommunications).

Steady change

This regular (and accelerating) phenomenon causes movement and crises in economic structures as measured by rates of growth of countries, regions, sectors and companies.

Transformation in economics

Transformation is a unidirectional and irreversible change in dominant human economic activity (economic sector).

see also


But after the foundadition the Artvin Çoruh University campus near the village the main economic sector of the village shifted to services.

Third sector

Voluntary sector - the economic sector consisting of non-governmental organizations and other non-profit organizations

Thomas Heberer

He was then appointed research fellow at the Institute of Geography of the University of Bremen and conducted a research project on the private economic sector in China funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, which was followed by his habilitation (post-doctoral degree) thesis on the role of the individual (“informal”) economic sector for urban and social development.

Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction

A number of noted Turkmen politicians studied at the university, particularly those in the economic sector including Annaguly Deryayev, Khodjamyrat Geldimyradov, Kakaev Yakshigeldy, Khadyr Saparlyev, Hydyr Saparlyýew and Täçberdi Tagyýew.