In Natural Capitalism, 1999, Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins and Hunter Lovins also advanced an argument to assign a value to the planet Earth in current currency.
Work based upon benefit transfer, compiled by ecologist/planner Robert Costanza in the 1990s, has claimed that even just considering the most basic seventeen of these services, the combined value of the ecosystems of the Earth was worth more (US$33T) each year; more than the whole human exchange economy (US$25T) at that time (1995), which is rather strange for an exchange value.
Marine ecosystem | Boreal ecosystem | Payment for ecosystem services | Novel ecosystem | Millennium Ecosystem Assessment | Marine protected areas are one way to guard kelp forests as an ecosystem. The nudibranch ''Melibe leonina | Large marine ecosystem | International Valuation Standards Council | Griffith's Valuation | Ecosystem Management Decision Support | Ecosystem diversity | business valuation | Brand valuation | boreal ecosystem |