
3 unusual facts about Edward Seaga

Edward Seaga

This will be released as a four-disc box set in early November 2012, titled Reggae Golden Jubilee Origins of Jamaican Music.

Reggae Golden Jubilee

Not only is Edward Seaga a former Prime Minister, he is also well known as the founder of the music label, WIRL (West Indies Recording Limited).

The tracks were selected by Edward Seaga, a former Prime Minister of Jamaica who also wrote the liner notes and the track notations of Reggae Golden Jubilee.

Jamaican Prime Ministers Medal of Appreciation

Prime Minister Seaga personally presented the first 10 medals to the County Custos.

Rúhíyyih Khanum

During her travels she was received by the following heads of state and government; Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia; Malietoa Tanumafili II of Western Samoa; Prime Minister Indira Gandhi of India; President Félix Houphouët-Boigny of Côte d'Ivoire; President Carlos Menem of Argentina; Prime Minister Edward Seaga of Jamaica; and Javier Pérez de Cuellar, Secretary-General of the United Nations.

The Meditations

They appeared at the One Love Peace Concert in April 1978, officially a commemoration of the 12th anniversary of Haile Selassie's state visit to Jamaica, but more famous for the handshake between Michael Manley and Edward Seaga when they joined Bob Marley on stage.

see also