The ticket price is EGP 1.00 for each journey (about GBP 0.10, EUR 0.13, or USD 0.16, average exchange rate for December 2012), regardless of distance.
For her role in the drama Al Hakika wa Al Sarab she was paid EGP 1 million.
A total of 135 million Egyptian pounds was spent on the development, and the E-300 engine was given to the Indian government for use in the HF-24 Marut fighter.
The monthly rent was nine pounds (Salem's monthly salary was 18 pounds.) The couple's first child, Khaled, was born in 1961, followed by the birth of their daughter, Magda, two years later.
The Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Dr. Tarek Kamel, said in the July 2007 news that the ADSL would be turned from Unlimited to Limited with a Quota at a starting price of 45 LE (Egyptian pounds) for the 256k/64k and a 2GB limit for the download and so on.
It was built on an area of 12,000 square metres, with a budget of 108 000 Egyptian pounds.
In December 2007 was released the second movie " Khareg 'ala Lqanon "starring Maya with the big egyptian movie star " Karim Abdel'aziz ". During its first week it grossed EGP 7 million (USD 1.5 million). In March 2008 Maya started shooting a new Ramadan series Wekalet Aatiyya starring Houssein Fahmy and Ahmad Bedeir and directed by Ra'fat Elmihi.
The Nubian Museum (officially the International Museum of Nubia) is located in Aswan, Egypt, and was built to a design by architect Mahmoud El-Hakim for an estimated construction cost of LE 75 million (approximately $22 million at the time).
The price of a single Tram Al Ramlh ride is uniformly L.E. 0.25, except on the single-car touristic heritage tram that runs from Boulkly to Mhatat al-Ramlh, for which fare is L.E. 1.
The price of a single Tram Al Madina ride is uniformly 0.50 L.E. .
Also, party leaders are required to raise at least LE1 million to publish the names of at least 5000 founders in two widely circulated dailies.
Ezra Pound | Pound sterling | Australian pound | Egyptian pound | Egyptian hieroglyphs | pound sterling | Egyptian pyramids | pound (mass) | Egyptian mythology | Egyptian language | Anglo-Egyptian Sudan | Egyptian Vulture | Egyptian Revolution of 2011 | Egyptian Revolution of 1952 | pound | Pound sign | Egyptian temple | Egyptian Goose | Ancient Egyptian religion | Tha Dogg Pound | Roscoe Pound | Grauman's Egyptian Theatre | Egyptian Navy | Egyptian Military Academy | Egyptian Islamic Jihad | Egyptian Expeditionary Force | Egyptian Army | Archers (Egyptian pĂtati) | The Million Pound Drop Live | Syrian pound |