
5 unusual facts about Elector of Bavaria


It is in the south of the Old Town (Altstadt) and named after the Duke Carl-Theodor, who founded this borough.

Friedrich Ramm

Ramm was principal oboist in the orchestra of Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria in Munich and in Mannheim, where Mozart first met him in 1777.

Karl Theodor

Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria (1724–1799), Prince-Elector of Palatine and of Bavaria


Leberkäse is said to have been invented in 1776 by the cook of Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria, although this story has been heavily contested.

Theodor von Strattman

In that role he arranged the marriage of Leopold's daughter Maria Antonia of Austria to Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria in 1685, and settled the dispute between Lorraine and Hungary.

Franz Joachim Beich

His best works are in the palaces of the Elector of Bavaria, in whose employment he was for several years; among these are several large pictures of the battles fought in HungaryElector

Leo Allatius

In 1622, after the capture of Heidelberg by Tilly, when the Protestant Elector of Bavaria Frederick V was supplanted by a Catholic one, the victorious elector Maximilian of Bavaria presented the Palatinate library composed of 196 cases containing about 3500 manuscripts to Pope Gregory.

see also

Maximilian I

Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria, reigned 1795–1805 (Elector of Bavaria) and 1806–1825 (King of Bavaria)