
6 unusual facts about Elector

Abraham Scultetus

Abraham Scultetus (24 August 1566 – 24 October 1625) was a German professor of theology, and the court preacher for the Elector of the Palatinate Frederick V.

Battle of Fraustadt

King August II of Poland gave up his claim on the Polish crown, although he remained Elector Frederick Augustus I of Saxony.

Battle of Göllheim

When the Diet met near Frankfurt the following year, they were discouraged to appoint Albert, thus they elected a cousin of one of the Electors, Adolf of Nassau-Weilburg.


Prince-elector or elector, a member of the electoral college of the Holy Roman Empire, having the function of electing the Holy Roman Emperors

House of Zähringen

Now more commonly known as the House of Baden, Hermann's descendants ruled successively as margraves until the Final Recess of 1803, as Electors of the Electorate of Baden until 1806, and as Grand Dukes of Baden until the end of the German monarchy in 1918.

Moses Kann

By the testimony of the Berlin court preacher Jablonski and the consistorial councillor Scharden of Halle, supported by the opinion of twenty-four Christian professors and preachers who, in 1728, had declared that "neither the Jewish prayer-book nor the Talmud contained anything derogatory to Christianity," Moses Kann proved before the Elector of Mainz the bad character of the apostate.

Albert Alcibiades, Margrave of Brandenburg-Kulmbach

Sharing in the attack on the Electorate of Saxony, Albert was taken prisoner at Rochlitz in March 1547 by Elector John Frederick of Saxony, but was released as a result of the Emperor's victory at the Battle of Mühlberg in the succeeding April.

Albert Hobbs

In 1884, he ran for presidential elector on the Republican ticket (pledged to James G. Blaine), but New York was carried by Democrat Grover Cleveland.

Anna of Saxony, Electress of Brandenburg

On 12 November 1458 Anna married Albert Achilles of Brandenburg, later Elector Albert III Achilles, in Ansbach.

Antonio Scandello

It was conducted at the burial of the Elector in the Freiberg minster in 1562.

Augustus III of Poland

English translation: August III, by the grace of God, King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania, Ruthenia (i.e. Galicia), Prussia, Masovia, Samogitia, Kiev, Volhynia, Podolia, Podlaskie, Livonia, Smolensk, Severia, Chernihiv, and also hereditary Duke of Saxony and Prince-elector.

Berlin Cathedral

In that year Prince-Elector Frederick II Irontooth of Brandenburg moved with his residence from Brandenburg upon Havel to Cölln (today's Fishers' Island, the southern part of Museums Island) into the newly erected Berlin Schloss, which also housed a Catholic chapel.

Bishopric of Halberstadt

In 1513 Albert of Hohenzollern, younger brother of Elector Joachim I Nestor of Brandenburg, succeeded him and the Magdeburg archbishops from the House of Hohenzollern remained administrators, while in 1540 the Halberstadt territories became Lutheran during the Reformation.


Franconian Nuremberg and Ansbach, Swabian Hohenzollern, the eastern European connections of Berlin, and the status of Brandenburg's ruler as prince-elector together were instrumental in the rise of that state.

Brody, Żary County

From 1740 it was a possession of the Saxon statesman Heinrich von Brühl, who had an extended Baroque palace built, where he received Elector Frederick Augustus II of Wettin and kept his famous Meissen Schwanenservice tableware of more than 2.000 pieces designed by Johann Joachim Kaendler.

Casimir, Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth

When Elector Joachim I of Brandenburg visited Kulmbach during his journey to Augsburg and wanted to plead for the release of Frederick I, he was denied access to the Plassenburg.

Charles Ancillon

In 1687 Ancillon was appointed head of the so-called Academie des nobles, the principal educational establishment of the state; later on, as councillor of embassy, he took part in the negotiations which led to the assumption of the title of "King in Prussia" by the elector.

Christian, Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth

# Magdalene Sibylle (b. Bayreuth, 27 October 1612 – d. Dresden, 20 March 1687); married on 13 November 1638 to Elector John George II of Saxony.

City Palace, Berlin

After the Thirty Years War (1618–1648), Frederick William (1620–1688), the "Great Elector", embellished the palace further.

Count Johann von Bernstorff

Count Johann Hartwig Ernst von Bernstorff, Danish statesman, chamberlain to the elector of Hanover

Duchy of Bytom

After the 1620 Battle of White Mountain Emperor Ferdinand II of Habsburg took the opportunity to deprive Elector George Wiliam of Brandenburg of the rule over Bytom.


Jan Wellem, Elector Palantine, constructed the Flinger Steinweg which was a paved road leading from Düsseldorf through Flingern to Gerresheim.

Elector Bible

The Elector Bible is a German language folio-sized, Martin Luther translation of the new and old testament of the Bible that was authorized by Ernest I, Duke of Saxe-Gotha and printed by Wolfgang Endterin in Nuremberg, Germany from 1641 to 1758.

Felice Blangini

His fame, however, rests chiefly on his smaller pieces, which were received with much favor, especially in Germany, where he officiated for some time as chapelmaster at the courts of the elector of the Bavarian Electorate of the Palatinate, and of the king of Westphalia.

Frankfurt-Hanau Railway

Before the building of the line there was a government crisis in Hesse in 1852, because Elector Frederick William expected a bribe of 100,000 thalers from the Bernus du Fay bank before he would sign the appropriate license for the extension of the railway towards Aschaffenburg.

Frederick III of Prussia

Frederick I of Prussia (1657–1713), as Frederick III Elector of Brandenburg, since 1701 the first King in Prussia

Fredrick McGhee

He was chosen to be a presidential elector by the Minnesota Republican party in the spring of 1892, but after protests by white Republicans, he was replaced before the start of the 1892 Republican National Convention, which was held in Minneapolis in June.

Henry VI, Burgrave of Plauen

In May 1559 the brothers had to pledge the Lordships of Plauen and Oelsnitz and the district of Schöneck to Elector August of Saxony.

Holy Roman Emperor

It remained so until 1648, when the settlement of the Thirty Years' War required the addition of a new elector to maintain the precarious balance between Protestant and Catholic factions in the Empire.

House of Schönborn

In 1661, Philipp Erwein, Baron von Schönborn (1607–1668), of Freienfels Castle near Weinbach, since 1654 also owner of Geisenheim, the only brother of Elector-Archbishop Johann Philipp von Schönborn, purchased the Herrschaft (territory) of Heusenstamm and built a new castle.

Jan I of Żagań

Ultimately, the division was made in 1412: Jan I retained Żagań, and one year later (in 1413) he also took possession over the Duchy of Przewóz, inn the Polish-German border area (obtained as a result of his marriage with Scholastika, a daughter of Elector Rudolph III).

Joachim Frederick

Joachim III Frederick, Elector of Brandenburg (1546–1608), Prince-elector of the Margraviate of Brandenburg

Johann Stamitz

Most likely, his engagement there resulted from contacts made during the Bohemian campaign and coronation of Carl Albert (Karl VII) of Bavaria, a close ally of the Elector Palatine.

Johannes Piscator

Elector Frederick III experienced some resistance when he attempted to appoint him to the arts faculty at the University of Heidelberg in 1574, and Piscator eventually took a post at the preparatory Latin Paedagogium in Heidelberg.

John George III, Elector of Saxony

After his accession as Elector, he reduced the size of the royal household and began with the establishment of a small standing army of 12,000 men, after the model of the Margraviate of Brandenburg and managed to extract from the states of the realm a commitment to contribute funds.

Karl Theodor

Karl Theodor Anton Maria von Dalberg (1744–1817), Freiherr of Dalberg and Archbishop-Elector of Mainz

Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria (1724–1799), Prince-Elector of Palatine and of Bavaria

Keith Hall

Keith A. Hall, former Insight Communications executive and presidential elector in the 2004 United States presidential election


It was devastated by the troops of Duke Jan II the Mad of Żagań on his 1477 expedition against the Brandenburg elector Albert Achilles of Hohenzollern and again by Imperial as well as Swedish forces during the Thirty Years' War.

Leo Allatius

In 1622, after the capture of Heidelberg by Tilly, when the Protestant Elector of Bavaria Frederick V was supplanted by a Catholic one, the victorious elector Maximilian of Bavaria presented the Palatinate library composed of 196 cases containing about 3500 manuscripts to Pope Gregory.

Leonhard Ennen

He followed this with his Der spanische Erbfolgekrieg und der Churfürst Joseph Clemens von Köln, a study of the War of the Spanish Succession and the role the Elector Joseph Clemens played in this contest, published in 1851.

Louis de Silvestre

Friedrich August II, the prince-elector of Saxony, met Silvestre when he was in France and offered him the chance to work at the court of his father Augustus II, King of Poland.

Louis III, Elector Palatine

As oldest surving son and new Prince-Elector Louis III received the main part, John received Palatinate-Neumarkt, Stephen received Palatinate-Simmern and Otto received Palatinate-Mosbach.

Marx Rumpolt

A year before the death of his master, the Elector of Mainz, Rumpolt wrote his cookbook, which consisted of 2000 recipes and instructions for wine making and 150 woodcuts by Jost Amman.

Mathematical Magick

Wilkins dedicated his work to His Highness the Prince Elector Palatine (Charles I Louis).

Maximilian von Montgelas

The Elector Charles Theodore, who had at first favored him, became offended on discovering that he was associated with the Illuminati, a secret society in Bavaria that held to the most anti-clerical propositions of the Enlightenment.

Peoria, Illinois City Council election, 2003

In Peoria, Illinois, each elector casts five votes in the At-Large elections.

Philip William

Philip William, Elector Palatine (1615 – 1690), Count Palatine of Neuburg, Duke of Jülich and Berg, Elector of the Palatinate

Rudolf I, Duke of Saxe-Wittenberg

For example, he organised a meeting between six of the electors in Rhens in 1338.

Ruy López de Dávalos

Hernando Dávalos made part of the well documented Toledo "Comuneros" fighting against the extra tax contributions, circa 1518, asked for by king Charles I of Spain (Holy Roman Emperor Charles V) to bend the wishes of the German Electors in his wishes of becoming a Holy Roman Emperor.

Sarah Thompson, Countess Rumford

In 1785, when Sarah Thompson was eleven years old, her father moved to Bavaria to become an aide-de-camp to the Prince-elector Charles Theodore.

War of the Lüneburg Succession

Duke Frederick of Brunswick-Lüneburg married Duchess Anna of Saxe-Wittenberg a daughter of Prince-Elector Wenceslas, and Duke Bernard of Brunswick-Lüneburg was wedded to Duchess Margaret of Saxony, also a daughter of Wenceslas.

Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia

The next day they chose the Palatine Elector as their king at Rhens, though Wenceslaus refused to acknowledge this successor's decade-long reign.

see also