
2 unusual facts about Elise Hwasser

Elise Hwasser

Elise Jakobsson was born in Stockholm 16 March 1831 – her father worked as a custom-caretaker – and became a student at Dramatens elevskola in 1849 and had already found employment by the following year at the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm, where she was originally hired as a replacement for Aurora Strandberg.

She retired in 1888, when the theatre was reorginased, and died six years later in her villa Västråt in Fiskebäckskil.

Lotten von Kræmer

Authors such as Geijer and Atterbom were acquainted with her parents, and she herself proved her talent in various artistic fields such as within literary evenings, dance during the balls and acting during the amateur theater, such as when she played the part of Jane Eyre, in which she was instructed by Elise Hwasser.

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