
2 unusual facts about Ellis Parker Butler

Ellis Parker Butler

His work appeared alongside that of his contemporaries, including Mark Twain, Sax Rohmer, James B. Hendryx, Berton Braley, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Don Marquis, Will Rogers, and Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper

Among the writers publishing their stories in the weekly were Louisa May Alcott, H. Irving Hancock, Helen R. Martin, and Ellis Parker Butler.

Philo Gubb

The character of Philo Gubb was created by prolific pulp fiction writer Ellis Parker Butler and first appeared in the May 1913 issue of Redbook magazine.

Woman's Home Companion

Among the contributors to the magazine were editor Gene Gauntier, and authors Temple Bailey, Ellis Parker Butler, Rachel Carson, Arthur Guiterman, Shirley Jackson, Anita Loos, Neysa McMein, Kathleen Norris, Sylvia Schur, John Steinbeck, Willa Cather, and P. G. Wodehouse.

see also


Philo Gubb, a character created by prolific pulp fiction writer Ellis Parker Butler