Minors require parental consent before undergoing an abortion unless the minor is already emancipated and earning her own living.
The term is also common among activists in Indian Administrated Kashmir involved in right to Self-determination, where Azadi means Revolution, Liberation and Freedom.
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing was her father's closest friend and colleague, and the Emancipation and secularization of the Jews and Jewish culture was a direct outcome of their work.
Emancipation Proclamation | Jewish emancipation | emancipation | Catholic Emancipation | Catholic emancipation | Emancipation | Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta | League of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class | Emancipation of Labour |
Reverend Abraham Lincoln DeMond (born 1867, Seneca, New York) was an advocate for African-American emancipation.
Finkielkraut first came to public attention when he and Pascal Bruckner co-authored a number of short but controversial essays intended to question the idea that a new emancipation was underway; these included The New Love Disorder (1977) (Le Nouveau Désordre amoureux) and At The Corner Of The Street (1978) (Au Coin de la rue), as well as The Adventure (1979) (L'aventure).
He served as a Republican in the Thirty-seventh Congress (March 4, 1861-March 3, 1863), making speeches in favor of arming slaves, the first on this subject that were delivered in Congress, and others on emancipation in the District of Columbia and in vindication of President Lincoln.
This did not last long with him, however, for the second edition (1857) of his most important work, on the origin of the Old Catholic Church (Die Entstehung der alt-kathol. Kirche), shows considerable divergence from the first edition (1850), and reveals an entire emancipation from Baur's method.
After the war and emancipation, Darnes gained an education; he earned his undergraduate degree at Lincoln University and earned his medical degree from Howard University in 1880.
In the first chapter of his book "Muscular Learning", Professor Clem Seecharan reflects at some length on the importance of the Barbados Cricket Buckle recognising that its depiction on a Barbados postage stamp on the 60th anniversary of West Indies cricket was appropriate given cricket’s role as a “political instrument” from slavery through emancipation to independence.
In 1995, Lee & Low Books published her first picture book, Juneteenth Jamboree, about a summer celebration in memory of the Texas Emancipation.
Henry Grattan continued to support the cause and Catholic emancipation had been passed by the House of Commons previously by a majority of six, but it was rejected in the House of Lords, and generally by King George III who lived until 1820.
Although a vigorous Conservative and Ultra-Tory for most of his career, Richmond's anger with Wellington over Catholic Emancipation led him to lead the Ultra's into joining Earl Grey's reforming Whig government in 1830 (Lang, 1999).
In spite of the emancipation and December 27 of 1948, an agreement was signed with the local parish, in which the birthday of the city is commemorated on January 20, day of the patron of the city, São Sebastião.
In the tract Les femmes en Orient ("Women in the Orient") (Zürich 1859, 2 Vols.) she spoke out for the emancipation of women in the Levant; in Des femmes, par une femme ("About Women, by a Woman") (2. Ed., Brussels 1869, 2 Vols.) she compared the situation of women in Latin Europe of with those in Germany and demanded with strong words the equal treatment of men and women.
On January 4, 2005, Mayor Anthony A. Williams signed legislation making Emancipation Day an official public holiday in the District.
The serfs of Russia were not given their personal freedom until Alexander II's Edict of Emancipation of 1861.
The mural depicts the Statue of Liberty, an Aztec calendar, a leopard symbolizing Africa, and chained hands breaking free that represent the emancipation of slaves.
At the time of his father’s death, G.V. Chalam was only eight years old.He was brought up by his paternal uncle, Guduru Ramachandra Rao – a Gandhian and a pioneer social reformer who convened the first Adi Andhra Mahajana Sabha in 1917 for the emancipation of the so-called ‘untouchable’ castes, Malas and Madigas of Andhra Pradesh (now known as Dalits).
The prominent figures of Senegalese women's emancipation are celebrated, for example the novelist Aminata Sow Fall.
Jan Kazimierz Czyński (1801-1867) was a Polish independence activist, lawyer by education, writer and publicist, a life-time fighter for the emancipation of the Jews, trade supporter, utopian socialist, radical democrat.
Jewish emancipation was the external and internal process in various nations of expanding the rights of Jewish people of Europe, including recognition of rights as equal citizens, and the formal granting of citizenship to individuals.
Before the emancipation, most Jews were isolated in residential areas from the rest of the society; emancipation was a major goal of European Jews of that time, who worked within their communities to achieve integration in the majority societies and broader education.
The University of Parma, Italy, also uses two plays by Joan Ure in their English Literature programme: Come una ragazzina (1968) and Riprendi la tua costola ! (1974) are available in the Italian translation by Panozzo Editore who describe her works as "confronting the themes of the condition and emancipation of women .... with the irony which characterises the whole work of Joan Ure".
On June 18, 1865, Union General Gordon Granger and 2,000 federal troops arrived on the island of Galveston, Texas, to take possession of the state and enforce the emancipation of its slaves.
In 2008, shortly after Hawaii-born Barack Obama was nominated as the Democratic Party’s candidate for the presidency, the statue was moved from a dark, back row of Statuary Hall to a prominent position in Emancipation Hall in the Capitol's new visitor center.
General Ruffner became widowed and he and his second wife Viola (née Knapp) Ruffner (1820–1904), a schoolteacher whom he married in 1843, are remembered for employing a young Booker T. Washington as a houseboy in the years shortly after Emancipation.
In Jamaican history, the roots of radical protest, a national identity and the Rastafari movement, grew from communities formed by escaped slaves in the hills and (after emancipation in 1838) the so-called "Free Villages".
After the 1863 emancipation was finally officially announced in Texas on June 19, 1865, Gaines settled in Washington County, where he established himself as a leader of the freedmen, both as a Baptist preacher and a politician.
His ten-year tenure was noted for his foreign policy turn to the Soviet Union, the completion of the Helmand Valley project, which radically improved living conditions in southwestern Afghanistan, and tentative steps towards the emancipation of women.
Rosmini longs for an intelligent union of the clergy and people in public worship, for a well-trained clergy, for an Episcopate united in heart and soul, for a restoration of the primitive method of electing Bishops and for the emancipation of Church property from trammels of feudal tenure.
His writings have pursued topics including comparative formal analyses; the emancipation and autonomization of the discipline; and histories of Architects including: Giuseppe Terragni, Andrea Palladio, Le Corbusier and James Stirling.
Revealer of Secrets, first published in 1819, is an epistolary novel by Joseph Perl, a proponent of Jewish emancipation and Haskalah.
His best known work is the 2004 book Lincoln: A Life of Purpose and Power, a political biography which particularly focuses on how Abraham Lincoln mobilised evangelical Protestants to gain support for the Union and emancipation; this book won the Lincoln Prize.
By late 1828 Protestants of all classes began to organise after the arrival of O'Connellite Jack Lawless who planned a series of pro-emancipation meetings and activities across Ulster.
Sir Robert Peel, the Home Secretary, who had until then always opposed emancipation (and had, in 1815, challenged O'Connell to a duel) concluded: "though emancipation was a great danger, civil strife was a greater danger."
Eric Foner and Joshua Brown, Forever Free: The Story of Emancipation and Reconstruction. Alfred A. Knopf: New York, 2005, 225-238.
The bill Senate Concurrent Resolution 10, "A concurrent resolution authorizing the use of Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for an event to celebrate the birthday of King Kamehameha", was introduced into the United States Senate in the 113th United States Congress on March 22, 2013.
--Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center is authorized to be used for an event on June 9, 2013, to celebrate the birthday of King Kamehameha.
Emancipation freed a total of 5,792 slaves in the Territory, but at the time of abolition, there were already a considerable number of free blacks in the Territory, possibly as many as 2,000.A number of settlers in the Territory, John C. Lettsome and Samuel Nottingham amongst them, had manumitted large numbers of slaves.
Soboma George (died August 25, 2010) was a high-ranking military commander in the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta and a separate militant group, The Outlaws.
In Plateau State he championed a policy based on the idea that the state should help indigenes realize the benefits of their "emancipation" from Hausa domination, and that the centuries-old Hausa and Jarawa communities in Jos and Yelwa should be relegated to non-indigene status.
She played a role in the personal development of Booker T. Washington, who worked in their household as a teenager after Emancipation.
Legend holds that people who die in the city of Kashi attain salvation and emancipation from the cycle of birth and death; so, many pious Hindus in the bygone era would relocate to Kashi as their end drew near.
A supporter of emancipation, he voted in 1849 to abolish slavery in Kentucky.