
3 unusual facts about Emmanuel Hocquard

Claude Royet-Journoud

A champion of American poetry since the 1960s, when he translated George Oppen and published John Ashbery and Louis Zukofsky, he has edited (with Emmanuel Hocquard) two anthologies of American poetry, 21+1: Poètes améicains d'aujourd'hui (1986) and 49+1: nouveaux poètes américains (1991).

Norma Cole

Important French connections have included Claude Royet-Journoud, Emmanuel Hocquard, and Joseph Simas, who published her first book, Mace Hill Remap.

Ray DiPalma

:*also of note: Le Tombeau de Reverdy (translated to French by Emmanuel Hocquard & Juliette Valéry) was published in Marseille by cip/M & Un bureau sur l'Atlantique.

Anne-Marie Albiach

Today, Albiach is associated in France with poets Claude Royet-Journoud and Emmanuel Hocquard, all three being, at various times, translated and published by the American poets Keith Waldrop and Rosmarie Waldrop via Burning Deck, their influential small press.

see also

Claude Esteban

Cahier Claude Esteban, Farrago/Léo Scheer, 2003, texts by Pierre Vilar, Yves Bonnefoy, Xavier Bruel, Florence Delay, Michel Deguy, Yves di Manno, Jacques Dupin, Jean Frémon, Emmanuel Hocquard, Gilbert Lascault, Bernard Noël, Jacqueline Risset, Jean-Luc Sarré, Jean-Pierre Cometti, etc.