
unusual facts about Emotion

21st anniversary of Tiananmen Square protests of 1989

Tsang was principal of the Pui Kiu Middle School at the time – he relived the shock, disbelief and emotion when the tanks rolled in and the Tiananmen democratic movement was crushed; staff and students were all shocked to learn of the government's brutality.

Alykul Osmonov

His main accomplishments were transforming poetry from an oral to a literary tradition, focusing upon secular themes with an emphasis on inner emotion, daily life, and nationalism, and translating numerous European authors into the Kyrgyz language, including William Shakespeare, Sándor Petőfi, and Alexander Pushkin.

Ana Mihajlovski

In late November 2004, Mihajlovski started appearing on Jednostavan život, another Emotion production, which was the Serbian version of The Simple Life where she and Marijana Mićić played bratty city girls trying to survive in rural surroundings.

Anuya Bhagvath

A reviewer from Sify wrote, "Anuya, in a deglamorised role as the fiendish cop who falls for the rowdy is fantastic. She brings so much emotion and reality to her performance and is an actress of substance".

Arthur Rostron

When his former ship, the much-beloved Mauretania, sailed for Scotland to the shipbreakers in 1935, Rostron was supposed to have been on board; however, overcome with emotion, he refused to board her and instead waved farewell from pierside, preferring to remember the ship as she was when he commanded her.


In Awe: The Delights and Dangers of Our Eleventh Emotion, neuropsychologist and positive psychology guru Pearsall presents a phenomenological study of awe.

Barbara of the House of Grebe

T. S. Eliot said the story "would seem to have been written solely to provide a satisfaction for some morbid emotion".

Barrie Rutter

When Trackers was performed at Salt's Mill, Saltaire "He was deeply affected by the raw emotion of speaking to a northern audience in a northern voice in a classical play".

Battistello Caracciolo

Regarded as Battistello's masterpiece, it vividly captures the emotion of the scene as Peter is led from prison by an angel.

Brain and Creativity Institute

Headed by neuroscientists Antonio Damasio and Hanna Damasio, the Brain and Creativity Institute (BCI) is a research unit of the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences at the University of Southern California, which aims to "gather new knowledge about the human emotions, decision-making, memory, and communication, from a neurological perspective, and to apply this knowledge to the solution of problems in the biomedical and sociocultural arenas."

Chrissie Zullo

David Pepose, reviewing Zullo's work on Madame Xanadu #26 for Newsarama, praised her work on that issue, stating that "her style could not be more suitable for the pure emotion this tale evokes".

Copies by Vincent van Gogh

Just as Van Gogh used color to express emotion, he used distortion of perspective as a means of artistic expression and a vehicle to "modernize" his work.

Dragon Ball Z: Broly – Second Coming

Heartened by Videl's effort, Gohan frees himself from Broly's assault and in a final burst of emotion, fires the Kamehameha energy wave towards Broly.

Eduardo Galeano

In New York Times Book Review Jay Parini praised as perhaps his most daring work The Book of Embraces (El libro de los abrazos), a collection of short, often lyrical stories presenting Galeano's views on emotion, art, politics, and values, as well as offering a scathing critique of modern capitalistic society and views on an ideal society and mindset.

Emotional self-regulation

It has been shown to effectively reduce facial expressivity, subjective feelings of positive emotion, heart rate, and sympathetic activation.

Global precedence

The result that negative priming reduces flexibility correlates to the Psi theory states that negative emotion inhibits one’s access to extension memory, reducing cognitive flexibility.

Hassan Mohamed Hassan

With such lots of attention which he gave to the subject, Hassan always introduced his actors in the painting in a dramatic context with dynamism with embodiment to human emotion (see his Scheherazade and Shahryar painting).

I Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper

The song is a lightweight space disco track that cashed in on the media hype surrounding the original Star Wars film: the lyrics include the lines "And evil Darth Vader he's been banished to Mars" and "Or are you like a droid, devoid of emotion".


By the In-Betweener's own admission, he represents duality itself, specifically in respect to concepts such as good and evil; reason and emotion; truth and illusion; and life and death.

Kathleen Higgins

She has published over fifty articles are these topics as well as on beauty, kitsch, virtue, feminism, marketing environmentalism, Indian aesthetics, Chinese philosophy, musical emotion, synesthesia, television, death, and the philosophies of nineteenth-century philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer and contemporary philosophers Arthur C. Danto and Robert C. Solomon.

Lambda Pi Eta

Lambda Pi Eta represents what Aristotle described in his book, Rhetoric, as the three artistic proofs of persuasion: Logos (Lambda) meaning logic, Pathos (Pi) relating to emotion, and Ethos (Eta) defined as character credibility and ethics.

Lauren Nadada

Most of Nadada's scenes were without music as it was said that there was no need to heighten the already-present emotion.

Leon Battista Alberti

In his treatise De pictura (1435) he explains the theory, of the accumulation of people, animals, and buildings, which create harmony amongst each other, and "hold the eye of the learned and unlearned spectator for a long while with a certain sense of pleasure and emotion".

Maral Boyadjian

As such, she is an EFT Emotion Freedom Therapist, a Yoga Instructor, a Master Healer in Shambala and a Pranic Psychotherapist in Pranic Healing all of which derive from Eastern therapies based on nurture, kindness and love.

Marc David Lewis

From this neo-Piagetian origin, Marc Lewis began investigating cognition-emotion interactions: the influence of cognitive development on emotional and personality development, and the influence of emotion on cognitive and personality development, as a professor at the University of Toronto.

Maureen G. Mulvaney

The Mulvaneys named their oldest daughter, Maureen G. Mulvaney, as it was both lyrical and Irish but mostly so the initials would be MGM—their Big Production.

Miss Liberty

While crossing the Atlantic on the Queen Mary with 15,000 recruits, the playwright had been "deeply moved" and "greatly impressed by the emotion that sight of the statue generated among these soldiers."

Mission-type tactics

Excellence in this case is derived in part from the tradition of Gerhard von Scharnhorst, Carl von Clausewitz and Helmuth von Moltke and was based upon the premise that hard-and-fast rules had no place in the environment of war, which was the realm of human emotion, friction, chance and uncertainty.

Murder of Dennis Jurgens

By this point, Lois' rage and mania had gone beyond her ability to maintain an appearance of normalcy, and she and Harold had relocated to rural Stillwater, Minnesota, possibly to escape the gossip of their former neighborhood where Dennis was killed.

Nathan Schiff

Critic Ray Young reviewed, "Unique and personal, it grieves over the loss of innocence, as if tapped directly from the id. Vermilion Eyes makes no concessions to anyone or any genre and works out of bruised, frazzled emotion. The poetic, whirling, free style of its imagery is remarkably close in spirit to James Joyce."

Neuroscience of gender differences

Opioid peptides are known to play a role in emotion and motivation.

Noblesse oblige

In the Robert A. Heinlein novel To Sail Beyond the Sunset, Dr. Johnson says, "Does your common man understand chivalry? Noblesse oblige? Aristocratic rules of conduct? Personal responsibility for the welfare of the state? One may as well search for fur on a frog." Heinlein also discusses the concept in Glory Road where Her Wisdom Star, Empress of Twenty Universes observes to her champion that "Noblesse oblige is an emotion felt only by the truly noble."

Olympic Spirit Toronto

Olympic Spirit Toronto was an Olympic-themed attraction featuring the moments of high drama and emotion experienced by Olympians and fans throughout Canada’s history with the Olympic Games.

Passions of the Soul

In 1643 Descartes began a prolific written correspondence with Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia, in which he answered her moral questions, especially the nature of happiness, passions, and ethics.

Paul D. MacLean

During his time at Yale, he also studied the brain mechanisms of emotion with Dr. John Fulton.

Sepandar Kamvar

In 2009, Kamvar and Harris took the findings from the four years since We Feel Fine was launched in 2006 and turned them into a book called "We Feel Fine: An Almanac of Human Emotion".


A ship commanded by Captain Belinda Blowhard (Christian) called the Nemesis sets out to destroy an alien race called the Reptids, who plan to unleash a biological weapon that would reawaken all human emotion.

The Reptids' aim is to unleash the emotion of compassion, hoping that the emotion would stop humanity from its destructive endeavors.

Stendhal syndrome

When he visited the Basilica of Santa Croce, where Niccolò Machiavelli, Michelangelo and Galileo Galilei are buried, he saw Giotto's frescoes for the first time and was overcome with emotion.


Gratitude (or thankfulness), a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive

The Empty City

Kidsreads.com called it a "new and creative twist" for dystopian fiction, with clever names for human things and great emotion for animals in the writing.

The Priest of the Parish

The Sir/Sirrah distinction was used to demark relative status and the various participants were obliged to interpret their script by choosing an emotion selected from a wide range - confidence, arrogance, fear, offence, surprise, etc.

The Very Best Definitive Ultimate Greatest Hits Collection

# "Sweet Emotion" (Longer version of a demo given away with Kerrang! magazine in 1989. Outtake from The Real Thing sessions. Later reworked as "The Perfect Crime" for Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey and included on This Is It and The Works)

This Is Menace

In 2007 the band released their second album, The Scene Is Dead, along with the Emotion Sickness DVD, featuring live shows and a "making of" segment.

Topham Beauclerk

As Bennet Langton records: 'His affection for Topham Beauclerk was so great, that when Beauclerk was labouring under that severe illness which at last occasioned his death, Johnson said (with a voice faultering with emotion), "Sir, I would walk to the extent of the diameter of the earth to save Beauclerk".' (Boswell 1672).

Unweaving the Rainbow

Driven by the responses to his books The Selfish Gene and The Blind Watchmaker wherein readers resented his naturalistic world view, seeing it as depriving life of meaning, Dawkins felt the need to explain that, as a scientist, he saw the world as full of wonders and a source of pleasure.


The JazzTimes review by Lloyd Sachs said "What makes Wisława (pronounced vees-WAH-vah) striking is Stanko’s ability to push into a more assertive, wide-awake style, rhythmically as well as melodically, without sacrificing the dark-glowing, middle-of-the-night emotion for which he’s known".

Yu Narukami

Hashino elaborated on this particular character trait becoming an obstacle for Persona 4: The Animations director Seiji Kishi since the character would undoubtedly have to speak and show some level of emotion.

see also