
unusual facts about English English

Names of Burma

The commission was influenced by Received Pronunciation and other non-rhotic English English dialects, in which "ar" (without a following vowel) is also pronounced as long "a" (often given as "ah" in American English).

see also


Mignon, piano vocal score; libretto in French and English; English translation by Theodore Baker; prefatory essay by H. E. Krehbiel.

National parliaments of the European Union

and generally in English-language speech and writing in Ireland.

Peter Percival

His other publications include, a book on Tamil proverbs in English, English-Tamil and English-Telugu dictionaries, and a bilingual Tamil and Telugu journal Dinavartamani.

Vampire Hunter D

The second film, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust garnered respect for its advanced animation techniques, voice-acting originally recorded in English (English voice casting/direction by Jack Fletcher), and its sophisticated orchestral soundtrack composed, arranged and conducted by Marco D'Ambrosio.

William Henry Furness III

Utilizing a phonograph, he recorded Wa'ab speech and native songs, and published the first Uapese-to-English/English-to-Uapese dictionary.