
unusual facts about Epithet


From the naming of these towns, the town name began its use as a byname, which is an early type of surname.


The generic epithet Pseudomonas was coined by Walter Migula in 1894, who did not give an etymology.

2007 in British radio

The song which sees Kirsty MacColl and Shane MacGowan trading insults has the words "faggot" and "slut" edited out to "avoid offence", but after a day of criticism from listeners, the band, and MacColl's mother, the decision is reversed and the original version played in full.

Banksia croajingolensis

The specific epithet is from Croajingolong, an English corruption of Krowathunkoolong, the Gunai name for the region in which the species occurs; and -ensis, a Latin suffix meaning "originating from".

Banksia pellaeifolia

As there was already a plant named Banksia blechnifolia, Mast and Thiele had to choose a new specific epithet; their choice, "pellaeifolia", is from Pellaea, a genus of ferns with pinnate leaves, and the Latin folium ("leaf"), in reference to the species' fern-like leaves.

Batara Guru

His name appears to be derived from Sanskrit Bhattara, which means "noble lord" and Guru, epithet of Bṛhaspati, a Hindu god who is a regent and identified with the planet Jupiter.

Boiga drapiezii

The epithet is in honor of the Belgian naturalist Drapiez.

Cyathea delgadii

The specific epithet delgadii refers to Gancho do Generale Delgado, along the road to Caldas Novas, Brazil, where the type material was collected.

Cyathea hornei

The specific epithet hornei commemorates botanist John Horne (1835-1905), who collected numerous plants on Fiji and islands of the Indian Ocean.

Cyathea junghuhniana

The specific epithet junghuhniana commemorates German botanist Friedrich Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn (1809-1864), who collected numerous plants on Java and Sumatra.

Eucalantica pumila

The specific epithet is derived from the Latin pumilus (meaning little) and refers to its small size relative to other Eucalantica species.

Eulimella fontanae

The epithet "fontanae" refers to Mrs M.A. Fontana Angioy, editor of the journal La Conchiglia.

François Pollen

Pollen's name is commemorated in the species epithet's of the Comoros Olive Pigeon (Columba pollenii), of the Pollen's Vanga (Xenopirostris polleni), of the Mayotte chameleon (Furcifer polleni), and the Madagascar coastal skink (Madascincus polleni).

Friedrich Ernst Leibold

Plants with the specific epithet of leiboldiana are named after him, an example being Tillandsia leiboldiana.

Gray checkered whiptail

The epithet dixoni is in homage of renowned herpetologist James R. Dixon, which leads some sources to refer to it as Dixon's Whiptail.

Guettarda speciosa

The genus was named in honour of the 18th century French naturalist Jean-Étienne Guettard, while the specific epithet is derived from the Latin speciosus 'showy'.

Hamlyn's monkey

The name "Hamlyn's monkey" and the scientific epithet "hamlyni" come from the animal dealer who first brought this species to the London Zoo.

Heptacodium miconioides

The specific epithet miconioides alludes to the similarities of the plant to the unrelated Meadow Beauty genus, Miconia.

Hoad Monument

This epithet was famously used by Lord Haw-Haw during one of his propaganda broadcasts of World War II when he warned the residents of Ulverston that the German Air Force would bomb their pepper pot.

Homoranthus wilhelmii

The specific epithet commemorates Carl Wilhelmi, a collector of seeds and specimens of the region, who obtained the type collection at Port Lincoln in November of 1854.


At Tholey, also in Treveran territory, ‘Iovantucarus’ was also used as an epithet of Mercury.

John Samuel Kenyon

Kenyon had also earlier published American Pronunciation (1924) and served as the consulting editor of pronunciation to the second edition of Webster's New International Dictionary in his career as a pioneering expert on the study of American English, which earned him the epithet "the dean of American phoneticians".


Toby Wilkinson suggests that, even at this early stage, Khenti-Amentiu's name may have been simply an epithet of Osiris.


The place has a wall boundary in the front of Kunji Palli, neither tomb nor epithet declares Sheikh's glorious past.

Kunzea ericifolia

The species was first described by Gustav Heynhold, the specific epithet referring to leaves, folium, that resemble the heath family, erica in Latin.

Maackia amurensis

The species epithet and common names are from the Amur River region, where the tree originated; it occurs in northeastern China, Korea, and Russia.

Mare de Déu del Mont

It has been often mentioned in Catalan literature, having been referred to as Porta del Pirineu, meaning "the Gate of the Pyrenees", among other epithets.

Míster Danger

Former Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez often used the epithet "Mr Danger" to refer to then United States President George W. Bush.


Müezzinzade is an Ottoman epithet meaning "son of a muezzin."

Murray River turtle

The specific epithet of the species refers to the turtle's type location: the Macquarie River, it would seem the species was not named after Governor Lachlan Macquarie for whom the river is also named.

Native American hip hop

Melle Mel, the first rapper to ever use the epithet MC, is Cherokee and Ernie Paniccioli, a famous photographer of hip-hop culture who grew up in Brooklyn, is Cree.

Nevşehirli Damat Ibrahim Pasha

This marriage into the Ottoman dynasty earned him the epithet "Damat" (Turkish: bridesgroom, son-in-law) They had two children.

Niue Night Heron

The specific epithet comes from the Niuean words kalavi (land crab) and kai (food), alluding to speculation by the describers that land crabs constituted an important part of the species' diet.

Norr Mälarstrand

Stepped gables then present were removed and replaced by the evenly spaced functionalist silhouettes — the nine floors of which resulted in comparisons with cities in America and the epithet "Manhattan of Stockholm".

Nuytsia floribunda

The description was published by George Don using Brown's name Nuytsia, an epithet that commemorates the seventeenth-century Dutch explorer and colonial official Pieter Nuyts.


He was especially famous for his inventive imagination, and the elegance and purity of his diction are attested by the epithet Ἀττικώτατος (most Attic) applied to him by Athenaeus and the sophist Phrynichus.

Polemon leopoldi

The specific name or epithet, leopoldi, is in honor of Leopold III, King of the Belgians.

Puerto Rico Upland Gecko

The epithet or specific name, klauberi, is in honor of herpetologist Laurence Monroe Klauber.

Rankin's dragon

The specific epithet is a reference to the Australian author Henry Lawson.


The species epithet, krausei, is named after the team leader of the expedition, David W. Krause.

Ravine salamander

The epithet, richmondi, is in honor of its discoverer, Neil D. Richmond, who later succeeded M. Graham Netting as Curator of the Section of Amphibians and Reptiles at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Rubus pubescens

They differ from larger shrubby species in the genus in that the only upright part is herbaceous and only lightly speckled with fine hairs (hence the specific epithet "pubescens"), as opposed to the woody stems and larger prickles that cover many other species of Rubus (Johnson et al. 1999).

Sceloporus poinsettii

The epithet, poinsettii, is in honor of American physician, botanist, and statesman, Joel Roberts Poinsett.


Deities like Rudra, Nirriti and Virabhadra are associated with dogs, and an epithet describing Rudra describes him as Shvapati, meaning "master of the dog".

Simon Grynaeus

He adopted the name Grynaeus from the epithet of Apollo in Virgil.

Specific epithet

A specific epithet is the second part of a scientific name in Binomial nomenclature.

The Joker of Seville

The Joker of Seville is an epithet for Don Juan.


One of these inscriptions suggests that ‘Veraudunus’ may have been an epithet of the important Treveran god Lenus Mars.

William Schaus

The genera Schausia and Schausiana were named in his honor, as well as numerous species with the specific epithet schausi .

Xenocalamus mechowii

The specific name or epithet, mechowii, is in honor of Friedrich Wilhelm Alexander von Mechow, a Silesian-German explorer of Africa.

Xerocomellus chrysenteron

This binomial was generally accepted for almost another hundred years, until 1985 when Marcel Bon decided to resurrect the former specific epithet communis, which resulted in the binomial Xerocomus communis.

see also