"The Resistance" is Executive Produced by Ben Ketai, Scott Bayless, Scott Rogers, with producers Aaron Lam, Eric Ro, and Associate Producer Don Le.
The web show airs on October 4, 2010, on the SyFy channel as a one hour television pilot along with being released in its original 8 episodic form on iTunes, Xbox Live, and the PlayStation Network.
"The Resistance" is Executive Produced by Ben Ketai, Scott Bayless, Scott Rogers, with producers Aaron Lam, Eric Ro, and Associate Producer Don Le.
Eric Clapton | Eric Heiden | Eric | Eric Maschwitz | Eric Idle | Eric Burdon | Eric Flint | Eric Roberts | Eric Bogosian | Eric Hobsbawm | Eric Church | Eric S. Raymond | Eric Newby | Eric Massa | Eric Fischl | Eric Gill | Eric Stoltz | Eric Martsolf | Eric Schmidt | Eric McFadden | Eric Marienthal | Eric Lindros | Eric Cantor | Eric Cantona | Eric Bristow | Eric Zimmerman | Eric Whitacre | Eric Tsang | Eric Sheppard | Eric Carle |