Having worked in both the Education and Treasury Departments, Randell later worked with Leslie and Co., and was a resident of Gunyidi for a period of time.
The son of George Randell, who was a member of the Legislative Council, and Mary Louise Smith (his father's second wife), Randell was born in Perth, where he was raised.
Ernest Hemingway | Ernest Shackleton | Ernest Borgnine | Ernest Tubb | Ernest Rutherford | Ernest Renan | Ernest Chausson | Ernest Bloch | Ernest Bevin | Ernest | Ernest George | Ernest Gruening | Ernest Dowson | Ernest Bai Koroma | Ernest Thompson Seton | Ernest Hollings | William Ernest, Duke of Saxe-Weimar | John Ernest | Ernest Thayer | Ernest Jones | Ernest Giles | Ernest Gellner | Ernest Fenollosa | Ernest Augustus I of Hanover | Ernest Augustus I, Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach | Reginald Ernest Moreau | Ernest Torrence | Ernest Nagel | Ernest Marples | Ernest L. Wilkinson |