With the help of Ernesto Rossi and Gaetano Salvemini he founded the clandestine publication "Non mollare".
While in the city, Pertini also came into contact with people such as Gaetano Salvemini, the brothers Carlo and Nello Rosselli, and Ernesto Rossi.
During the Fascist regime, other prisoners were the future President of Italy Sandro Pertini, Umberto Terracini, Giorgio Amendola, Lelio Basso, Mauro Scoccimarro, Giuseppe Romita, Altiero Spinelli and Ernesto Rossi.
Among the other prisoners and friends of Eugenio Colorni on Ventotene were Ernesto Rossi and Altiero Spinelli, who in 1941 co-authored the famous Ventotene Manifesto "for a free and united Europe", i.e. an early sketch of a postwar democratic European Union.
The Ventotene Manifesto is a political statement written by Altiero Spinelli and by Ernesto Rossi while they were prisoners on the Italian island of Ventotene during World War II.
Ernesto Zedillo | Valentino Rossi | Vasco Rossi | Ernesto Rossi | Ernesto Lecuona | Portia de Rossi | Aldo Rossi | Ernesto Sábato | Ernesto Neto | De Rossi | Salamone Rossi | Giovanni Battista de Rossi | Ugo Rossi | Società Italiana Ernesto Breda | Rossi | Martini & Rossi | Gino Rossi | Ernesto Tomasini | Ernesto Rossi (politician) | Ernesto Pérez Balladares | Dino Rossi | Sergio Rossi | Richard Rossi | Lukas Rossi | Iván Pérez Rossi | Franco Rossi | Ernesto Samper | Ernesto Sabato | Ernesto Nieto | Ernesto Nathan Rogers |
It soon became a haven for artists and well-known anti-fascists, including Ignazio Silone, Ernesto Rossi, Kurt Tucholsky, Hans Marchwitza, Ernesto Bonaiuti, Max Terpis, Elias Canetti, Wladimir Vogel and Jean-Paul Samson.