He wore long hair into his fifties, dressed casually, and used to drop references to cultural icons in his conversation, from writer Ernesto Sabato to singer Joan Manuel Serrat.
Ernesto Zedillo | Ernesto Rossi | Ernesto Lecuona | Larry Sabato | Ernesto Sábato | Ernesto Neto | Società Italiana Ernesto Breda | Sabato's Crystal Ball | Ernesto Tomasini | Ernesto Rossi (politician) | Ernesto Pérez Balladares | Larry Sabato's | Ernesto Samper | Ernesto Sabato | Ernesto Nieto | Ernesto Nathan Rogers | Ernesto Laguardia | Ernesto Juan Castellanos | Ernesto Hoost | Ernesto Herrera | Ernesto España | Ernesto De Pascale | Ernesto "Che" Guevara | Ernesto Castano | Ernesto Burzagli | Ernesto Bellandi | Ricardo Ernesto Montes i Bradley | Mario Sábato | Luis Ernesto Tapia | Luis Ernesto Derbez |
Some of the individuals that compose the APDH are: journalists Santo Biasatti and Luisa Valmaggia, writer Ernesto Sábato, religious leaders Monsignor Justo Laguna and Rabbi Daniel Goldman, painter Noé Jitrik, singer León Gieco, scientist Federico Westerkamp, lawyer Raúl Zaffaroni, and labor unionist Marta Maffei.
Playwright Osvaldo Dragún seized the opportunity to organize an Teatro Abierto ("Open Theatre") movement, calling on Cossa and fellow playwrights Luis Brandoni, Jorge Rivera López and Pepe Soriano, as well as receiving support from prominent intellectuals such as Nobel laureate Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and writer Ernesto Sábato.