Eruption column, or volcanic plume, a column of hot volcanic ash and gas emitted into the atmosphere during an explosive volcanic eruption
Vertebral column | Column | column | Pioneer Column | California Column | 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens | Nelson's Column | Hōei eruption of Mount Fuji | fifth column | The Durutti Column | Plinian eruption | Fifth Column (band) | Fifth Column | vertebral column | the Durutti Column | July Column | Berlin Victory Column | Asen's Column | Air travel disruption after the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption | "''The Alexander Column in scaffolds''" (1832-1834), by Grigory Gagarin | Teeling Column | Sixth Column | Shown above as a result of a 7 week period where the columns have been allowed to grow algae, cyanobacteria and other bacterial colonies. Of specific interest are the red regions of the middle column, indicative of purple non-sulfur bacteria (e.g. ''Rhodospirillaceae | Rostral column | rostral column | Nelson's Column, Montreal | Nelson's column | Hatepe eruption | Eruption column | Durruti Column |