Rostral column, a monumental scaled column, frequently decorated with ship bows
Vertebral column | Column | column | Pioneer Column | California Column | Nelson's Column | Rostral scale | fifth column | The Durutti Column | rostral | Old Saint Petersburg Stock Exchange and Rostral Columns | Fifth Column (band) | Fifth Column | vertebral column | the Durutti Column | July Column | Berlin Victory Column | Asen's Column | "''The Alexander Column in scaffolds''" (1832-1834), by Grigory Gagarin | Teeling Column | Sixth Column | Shown above as a result of a 7 week period where the columns have been allowed to grow algae, cyanobacteria and other bacterial colonies. Of specific interest are the red regions of the middle column, indicative of purple non-sulfur bacteria (e.g. ''Rhodospirillaceae | Rostral column | rostral column | Nelson's Column, Montreal | Nelson's column | Eruption column | Durruti Column | Duke of York Column | Column wave |
Next, an entirely new type of structure was built on a small island in the centre of the main lake - a rostral column, in honour of the marquis' two young sons Edouard (1762–1786) and Ange Auguste (1766–1786), news of whose disappearance had arrived in France earlier that year.
Seated marble figures decorate the base of each column each representing the major rivers of Russia — the Volga and Dnieper at the northern Rostral Column, Neva and Volkhov at the southern one.