Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks (full title: Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks: An Epic Quest for Reality Among Role Players, Online Gamers, and Other Dwellers of Imaginary Realms) is a book by author Ethan Gilsdorf and a work of travel literature, memoir and immersion journalism that explores fantasy and gaming subcultures.
Furthermore, the product description for this book also says: "In this enthralling blend of travelogue, pop culture analysis, and memoir, forty-year-old former Dungeons & Dragons addict Ethan Gilsdorf embarks on a quest that begins in his own geeky teenage past and ends in our online gaming future. He asks, Who are these gamers and fantasy fans? What explains the irresistible appeal of such "escapist" adventures?
Ethan Allen | Ethan Johns | Ethan Hawke | Fort Ethan Allen | Ethan Canin | Charles Ethan Porter | Fort Ethan Allen (Arlington, Virginia) | Ethan Gilsdorf | Ethan Embry | Ethan Dettenmaier | Ethan Casey | Ethan Bronner | Ethan Zuckerman | Ethan Zohn | Ethan Strimling | Ethan Smith | Ethan Rayne | Ethan Hunt | USS Ethan Allen | Ethan Winthrop | Ethan Watters | Ethan Suplee | Ethan Rains | Ethan Mordden | Ethan James | Ethan Iverson | Ethan Haas Was Right | Ethan Frome |